COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES TODAY’S DISCUSSION POINTS DoDEA’s School System DoDEA’s Educational Partnership How do schools impact readiness? What is important to military families? Sharing Information Issues military families face Role of the School Liaison Officer What schools and commands need to discuss What can we do?
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES DoD EDUCATION ACTIVITY (DoDEA) Operates two school systems: Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS) overseas and Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools (DDESS) stateside. Supports a tuition reimbursement program for military assigned overseas without a DoDEA school within close proximity.
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES Children of military and DoD Civilian personnel overseas Children of military personnel stateside On base Off base Children of State Department employees – space available, tuition paying STUDENTS DODEA IMPACTS
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES To provide a quality American education to military and DoD civilian family members stationed overseas and in select communities in the United States New Initiatives Virtual School Educational Partnership Mission DODEA CORE MISSION
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES Expanded mission Legislative requirements/responsibilities Grant program Partnership/outreach efforts Department of education/DoD MOU DoDEA’s EDUCATIONAL PARTNERSHIP
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES Enacted in 25 states Specific impacts on military children include: Transfer of Records Course Sequencing Graduation Requirements Exclusion from Extra-Curricular Activities Redundant or Missed Entrance/Exit Testing Kindergarten and First Grade Entrance Age Variations Power of Custodial Parents While Parents are Deployed INTERSTATE COMPACT
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES SCHOOLS AND THEIR IMPACT ON FAMILY READINESS Schools are a critical quality of life factor The quality of schools and teachers has an impact on military readiness Retention in the armed forces is highly dependent on the quality of education Schools on or off base become the most important element of focus and stability during times of family separation and deployment.
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO MILITARY FAMILIES High quality education Safe, secure, and orderly schools Welcoming communities, teachers and students Transition support Chain of command – organizational structure Regular communication and personal contact Feedback on student progress Responsiveness when there are concerns Respect for military culture Understanding and support when the military mission impacts family life Understanding that commanders have a vested interest in helping and supporting schools
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES HELP SCHOOLS UNDERSTAND THE STRENGTHS MILITARY STUDENTS BRING Respect for the power and value of education Involved parents Global perspective Resiliency Student leadership potential Experience in technology rich schools Connections to valuable resources
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES SHARING INFORMATION ABOUT LOCAL SCHOOLS WITH MILITARY FAMILIES Military welcome briefings Family Support Centers Publicize School Liaison Officer Contact info in Military news outlets. Town Hall meetings Websites
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES SHARING INFORMATION ABOUT MILITARY FAMILIES WITH SCHOOLS (ON AND OFF BASE) Command Group visits with School Leadership Military 101 briefings for school staff Publicize School Liaison Officer Contact info in school news outlets. Websites
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES WHERE DO MILITARY FAMILIES GET THEIR FIRST IMPRESSION OF SCHOOLS? Web presence is critical Technology initiatives that ease transitions to new places before families ever arrive (registration, virtual tours, course selection) Web resources and accountability ratings Military grapevine is alive, strong, and global
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES ISSUES MILITARY FAMILIES FACE (THAT SCHOOLS MAY NOT BE AWARE OF) Deployment AND Redeployment times are stressful Transition issues between schools can be huge Family vacations don’t always coincide with school vacations due to reassignments/deployments Home Leave at mid-point of a deployment – absences from school
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES THE SPECIAL ROLE OF THE SCHOOL LIAISON OFFICER (SLO) Serves as primary advisor to commands on all matters relating to schools Functions as the subject matter expert for youth education/school issues Link between school and command Facilitate partnerships Collaborate with local schools Help resolve issues Advocacy
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES WHAT MILITARY LEADERS AND SCHOOLS NEED TO DISCUSS How will regular communication between commanders and principals be established? Contact information for key personnel on both sides – including crisis teams Role of the SLO Identification of key events (mandatory testing, parent/teacher conferences, deployment dates, exercises, etc.) How to get involved in welcome initiatives at schools and at the base/installation. Transition support resources
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES Deployment plans/cycles that may affect students enrolled in schools Training in deployment related topics that may be beneficial to teachers Opportunities for partnership Installation resources that may be available to support schools Command support for parental involvement -- Ask commanders to make school place of duty WHAT MILITARY LEADERS AND SCHOOLS NEED TO DISCUSS
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES WHAT CAN WE ALL DO? How can you help to build bridges of communication between schools, parents and military commanders? What are you currently doing that is working well? What could we do to help? What resources could we share?
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES MILITARY RESOURCES FOR SHARING INFORMATION Military has public affairs resources that can increase the media outlets you utilize. There are also publications that can help businesses market to military families Commands have expertise in technology and communications that can enhance school PR capabilities (web, video) Base communications vehicles are available to promote school news PAO is an information gate- keeper Community newspapers Unit publications Websites and Links Command bulletins Radio and Television Installation cable access channels Military Publications
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES RESOURCES Military OneSource Military Home Front DoDEA Educational Partnerships Military Child Education Coalition National Military Family Association Military Impacted Schools Association
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES FOR MORE INFORMATION Frank X. O’Gara (703) Elaine Kanellis (703) Connie Gillette (703)
COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES CREDITS Family Drawing by: Caitlynne, 6th grade Danielle, 6th grade Veronica, 3 rd grade Paula, 4 th grade Casey, 4 th grade COMMUNICATING WITH MILITARY FAMILIES