Nav 1_3: Grid References
Learning Intention: To enable you to use 6-figure grid references to locate and give the location of features on an OS map.
Success Criteria: By the end of this session everyone should be able to: Locate a point on an OS map using a 6-figure grid reference; Give the location of a point on an OS map using a 6-figure grid reference. Some of you may be able to: Explain the OS National Grid system and find the 2-letter code for a map section.
Activities: 1.Presentation: Grid References. 2.Group task 3.Feedback & Key Points
How can we use 4 Figure Grid References?
You have already looked at the symbols on this map but the blue lines on the map also help us to find exact places on the map
How can you describe where these places are using a Grid? To find the grid square that each of the symbols are found in – Go along the corridor and then up the stairs ACROSS AND THEN UP Along = 02 Up = 11 GR = 02 11
How can we use 6 Figure Grid References?