GREENSBURG SALEM SCHOOL DISTRICT ELEMENTARY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PA Common Core Standards: A Year of Collaborative Inquiry Professional Development Dive #1: Text Complexity November 2012
Next Steps Elementary- Plans for the Future Language Arts Shifts that Support Common Core Math Shifts that Support Common Core
Professional Development Essential Questions How can I support this shift at my grade level? What does this shift look like in my classroom? What would acceptable student work look like? REFLECTIONS, BIG IDEAS, AND NEXT STEPS
Revisiting Text Complexity
The Text Complexity Crisis Decline in Lexile Levels Remedial Courses Single Most Important Factor (ACT/ 1tPcg
Where do we find texts in the appropriate text complexity band? Choose an excerpt of text from Appendix B as a starting place: We could…. or… Use available resources to determine the text complexity of other materials on our own. 6
Text Complexity Model Quantitative measures – readability and other scores of text complexity often best measured by computer software. Qualitative measures – levels of meaning, structure, language conventionality and clarity, and knowledge demands often best measured by an attentive human reader. Reader and Task considerations – background knowledge of reader, motivation, interests, and complexity generated by tasks assigned often best made by educators employing their professional judgment.
Quantitative Measures Lexile Analyzer: / Scholastic Book Wizard: Accelerated Reader Book Finder:
Quantitative Measures Text Complexity Grade Bands Old Lexile Range Lexile Ranges Aligned to Common Core Guided Reading Levels (Instructional) Suggested AR/ATOS Book Level Range K-1NA100L – 500LA-C C-I L450L – 790LI- M M-P L770L – 980LP-S S-V
Qualitative Measures
Reader and Task Considerations
Let’s Give It a Try
Quantitative Measures Lexile Measure Level: 540 L Scholastic’s Book Wizard Level: 3.7 Guided Reading Level: K AR/ATOS Book Level: 2.2 Text Complexity Grade Bands Lexile Ranges Aligned to Common Core Guided Reading Levels Suggested AR/ATOS Book Level Range K-1100L – 500L*A-C C-I L – 790LI- M M-P L – 980LP-S S-V
Qualitative Measures
Step 2: Qualitative Measures 15
Qualitative Measures Text Complexity Grade Bands Lexile Ranges Aligned to Common Core Guided Reading Levels Suggested AR/ATOS Book Level Range K-1100L – 500L*A-C C-I L – 790LI- M M-P L – 980LP-S S-V
Reader and Task Considerations
Recommended Placement Based upon all the information—all three legs of the model—the final recommendation for The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the Wash is….
Template for Text Complexity Analysis
Text Complexity Analysis Bookmarks
Matching Reader to Text
Reading Running Records Benchmark Assessment System (Fountas and Pinnell) Record oral reading using a set of conventions to provide data that will evaluate accuracy, comprehension, and fluency
Running Reading Records- Accuracy Accuracy: independent instructional Below 90- too difficult Scoring Accuracy: (# of words - # of errors) ÷ number of words = accuracy Done for us on running record forms
Running Reading Records- Comprehension and Fluency Retell the text Literal to inferential comprehension questions Rubric to measure phrasing, intonation, expression, and attention to punctuation
Data Days Student’s Name Benchmark Independent Level (Beginning of Year) Benchmark Instructional Level (Beginning of Year) Benchmark Independent Level (Mid Year) Benchmark Instructional Level (Mid Year) Benchmark Independent Level (End of Year) Benchmark Instructional Level (End of Year)
The Continuum of Literacy Learning
The Big Picture 15% Targeted Interventions
Professional Development Essential Questions How can I support this shift at my grade level? What does this shift look like in my classroom? What would acceptable student work look like? REFLECTIONS, BIG IDEAS, AND NEXT STEPS