New Advanced Higher Subject Implementation Events History: Course Assessment
Course Assessment at Advanced Higher Course Assessment at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher assesses Added Value Courses at Advanced Higher are normally assessed by one or two Components For History there are 2 Component/s – a Question Paper and a Project (Dissertation) Courses at Advanced Higher are graded A – D, as at present Controlled Assessment of setting, conducting and marking Different approaches for different subjects No dual running at Advanced Higher in session
Question Paper 3 hours 100 marks Historical Issues 50 marks; Historical Sources 40 marks Externally set and marked Builds on successful approach of current paper Revised command words/question formats
Question Paper Part 1 - Historical Issues: 2 (25 mark) questions from a choice of 5: –Evaluation –Analysis of historical factors –Building a line of argument/conclusion –Historiography –Building on approach of current papers
Question Paper Part 2 - Historical Sources ‘Evaluate the usefulness of [source] as evidence of…’ (12 marks) ‘How fully does [source] explain…?’ (12 marks) ‘How much do [sources] reveal about differing interpretations of…?’ Building on the approach used in current papers.
Project - dissertation Identifying an appropriate complex historical issue for research Using information from primary & secondary sources Drawing on in-depth knowledge and understanding Analysing perspectives from historiography Synthesising evidence into a sustained line of argument Drawing a well-reasoned conclusion(s)
Project - Dissertation As at National 5 and Higher: Coursework General document contains advice on conditions, quality assurance and general marking principles Coursework Task document contains detailed marking instructions and advice to candidates Both documents essential for assessors
Marking instructions (Dissertation and Question Paper As at National 5 and Higher: Marking instructions based on clear descriptions of skills Skill definitions and requirements aligned across Unit Assessment Support Packs, Question Paper and Coursework Question Paper command words/phrases focus on specific Course skills Marking instructions retain space for marker/PA judgement
Workshop 2 Course Assessment Using the materials provided, in small groups of 2- 3, discuss: Identify subject-specific topics for discussion Workshop Aims To understand the requirements of Advanced Higher Course Assessments Using the materials provided, in small groups of 2-3, discuss: How will the greater clarity and detail in marking instructions for Course Assessment help? What challenges might this present? Is the relationship between definitions of skills in Unit Assessment Support Packs/Question Paper/Coursework clear?