+ ¡Bienvenidos/Bienvenidas! Pick up a flag card and a “Todo sobre yo” paper from the cart in front of the room. Find the matching flag on a desk. This will be your seat for now. Please complete the “Todo sobre yo” paper and be ready to turn in.
+ Bienvenidos a la clase de español II Srta. Thorne Cuarto: 1119
+ Todo sobre yo Mi nombre es Señorita Thorne. Yo soy de Virginia (me gradué de Stonewall Jackson HS). Estudié español en Grove City College. Yo fui a la República Dominicana 2 veces, a México, y a España. Viví en Kentucky por 2 años. Me gusta cantar, tocar la guitarra, correr, y pasar tiempo con amigos. Me encanta enseñar.
+ Objetivos en español II I can initiate and further develop communication in Spanish. interpretive interpersonal presentational I can demonstrate understanding of the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. I can use Spanish language and culture with other subject areas. I can make insightful comparisons between the Spanish language and culture and my own. I can continue to use my Spanish skills and cultural knowledge outside the classroom.
+ ¿Qué vamos a aprender? Repaso review of topics from Spanish I and classroom expressions 2-3 sem. El vecindario professions, places in the neighborhood, the house, to know, to be sept- oct Pueblos y ciudades places, descriptions, directions, traffic, floors of buildings, the past, formal commands nov- dic- enero La salud y los deportes sports, more things in the past, parts of the body, illnesses, injuries feb- marzo La rutina diaria daily activities, character traits, how long ago something happened marzo -abril Cuando era niño/a Childhood, talking about what used to happen, hobbies, emotions mayo- junio Cultura Mexico—Aztecs & Mayans, Peru—Incas ongoing
+ Las expectativas: Llega a la clase preparado y a tiempo. Come to class prepared and on time. Respeta a la profesora, a otras personas y a propiedades. Respect the teacher, other people and property. Sé honesto/a en tu trabajo. Be honest in your work. No dispositivos electrónicos sin permiso. No electronic devices without permission. Habla español lo más possible. Speak Spanish as much as possible. (90% of the time!)
+ Consecuencias Parent phone call After school detention Referral Rewards for positive behavior and reaching goals.
+ Las notas… grades Grades are awarded by type of assignment. Tests are also graded more heavily than classwork in each category. Speaking: 20% Writing: 20% Reading: 20% Listening: 20% Quizzes: 15% Classwork/Homework: 5% Assignments must be completed ON TIME, unless there is an excused absence.
+ Trabajo de make-up For excused absences only Check schoolfusion when you are gone. Talk to Srta. Thorne upon return to arrange make-ups for tests and quizzes before or after school. Check the “make-up work” box for the days you were absent and collect any papers with your name on them. If you return on the day of a quiz or test, you will be expected to take it if you were present when it was announced. Your make-up work is due 3 school days after you return.
+ Ayuda extra extra help I am available after school until 3:30 to make up assignments or for extra help unless I have a conflicting meeting. Please arrange this at least a day in advance. We will meet in Room 1119.
+ Materiales 1 binder (1 or 1 ½”) 5 tab dividers Pencil and pen Lined paper Suggested additional supplies: Index cards Spanish-English Dictionary 501 Verbs Please bring items AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (no later than next Tuesday, 9/6).
+ Información de contacto: Señorita Thorne