The Latest ECOST Economic Model Pierre Failler, Haoran Pan and Francis Laloe CEMARE and UMR C3ED November 12-16, FIFTH PROJECT MEETING, PUNTA CANA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Core features Simple economic accounting, no optimisation, equilibrium or forecast Focusing on integration of social, economic and ecological systems, and linkage between the economic model and ECOPATH Costs and benefits are measured at metier level Metier is extended from harvesting to processing and marketing fisheries
1. The economic costs and benefits Producer’s private costs Fish harvesting sector Total value output per unit of fishing effort of a metier The producer’s benefits are the difference between the outputs and inputs in value
Producer’s public costs The direct public benefit The producer’s final cost and benefit
Producer’s private costs Fish processing sector Total value output of processing activity The producer’s benefits are the difference between the outputs and inputs in value
Producer’s public costs The direct public benefit The producer’s final cost and benefit
Producer’s private costs Fish marketing sector Total value output of marketing activity The producer’s benefits are the difference between the outputs and inputs in value
Producer’s public costs The direct public benefit The producer’s final cost and benefit
The cost of an extended metier indicates the proportion of metier m’s products processed by the processor sp The extended metier indicate the proportion of metier m’s products directly distributed by the distributor d indicate the proportion of processor sp’s products distributed by the distributor d
The benefit of an extended metier The extended metier
Connection to the eco-system The catch and biomass stock change Where the CPUE value is determined by the catchability q m,s of m on s and the catchable biomass Bs,t of species s at time t
2. The ecological costs and benefits The ecological cost of a species is the ecological cost of species s the time for the species to recover from its current to original natural state the value-added that the species may allow the economic system to generate when the resource is at original natural state Ts
The recovering time is a function of both current and original natural level of biomass stock of the species s The value-added that a resource at its original natural state may provide to the economy shall be determined in the balance between economic capture and maximum sustainable yield of the species
3. The social costs and benefits The social costs or benefits PI is overall fish price index
4. The societal cost and benefit The societal cost and benefit The net societal cost
Apply to nine fishery regions in developing countries Compare results on current stage of fisheries in each region Policy simulation for future practice Empirical case studies Data requirements A regional SAM with fisheries details Some time-series data on production and consumtion, and value