Allusions Remember those?
Think all the way back to 90/90 terms… Write out the definition of an allusion
You get to be an Allusion Enlightener! Sounds exciting, no? Your job is to research and explain two allusions to the class.
Sample Use template! Allusion: Achilles Heel What I already know about this allusion: This is like a quickwrite; its purpose is to get you thinking. I think it has something to do with a weak spot?
Sample Background information: This term is from Greek Mythology. According to myth, when Achilles was a baby, his mother dipped him in the River Styx because the waters gave immortality to humans. His mother held him by his heel, so that was the only place on his body not touched by the water. From that moment on, Achilles heel was his one area of vulnerability. Eventually, Achilles was killed in the Trojan War when a poisoned arrow struck his heel.
Sample How the allusion is used or defined today: Today, the term has come to refer to a person ’ s area of particular vulnerability. Two written examples (one from presentation, on original): Ms. Bisera-Morales ’ inability to resist carne asada fries was her Achilles heel, keeping her from losing the ten pounds she wanted to lose. Additional Examples: Find another example from newspapers, magazines, literature books, editorial or political cartoons, films, TV, song lyrics, etc …
Take a look at the allusions listed Write down the allusions for which you are responsible and the day you will present. You may create a handout, a powerpoint ( ed to me a day in advance) a poster, etc. Be creative (play a song with the reference, bring a visual, etc.!)
Allusions Quiz You will be responsible for knowing all the listed allusions by 4/30 Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, so get to work! :)