2016 FDOT Maintenance Conference Presented by: Robert J. Potts
Illicit Discharges and Improper Disposal Program Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Training Spill Prevention and Response Training Public Education
Required by FDOT’s NPDES MS4 Permits Required by the Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 3.7 of FDOT Statewide Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) Consistent with FDOT’s Environmental Policy Helps protect our environment Illicit Discharges and Improper Disposal Program
Part III.7.c of the FDOT’s NPDES Phase I MS4 Permit. Section of the FDOT Statewide SWMP. Ensure appropriate FDOT staff and contractors are properly trained to identify and report on illicit discharges, connections, and dumping to the FDOT MS4 observed during routine maintenance activities. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Training
Any discharge to the Department’s stormwater system that is not composed entirely of stormwater, except those discharges authorized under the Department’s NPDES MS4 permits. A few exceptions include: o Discharges from fire fighting activities, o Lawn watering / landscape irrigation runoff, o Water line flushing, o Runoff from residential car washing, o Discharges from potable water sources. What is an Illicit Discharge?
Ensure all appropriate FDOT maintenance staff and maintenance contractors receive the Tier I IDDE Training. Ensure staff and contractors are aware of their responsibility. o Observe and Report! Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Training
Contractors: FDOT Maintenance Specification Workbook: SP Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Training
FDOT Maintenance Staff: Roadway and Roadside Maintenance Procedure: j Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Training
Part III.7.d of the FDOT’s NPDES Phase I MS4 Permit. Section of the FDOT Statewide SWMP. Ensure appropriate FDOT staff and contractors are properly trained on spill prevention techniques, proper spill response and containment procedures, and reporting requirements. Spill Prevention and Response Training
Part III.7.f of the FDOT’s NPDES Phase I MS4 Permit. Minimum Control Element 1.a of the Phase II MS4 Permit. Section of the FDOT Statewide SWMP. FDOT provides handouts with approved DCPs outlining information on used oil recycling, proper hazardous waste disposal, stormwater regulations, and spill reporting. Public Education
District Five’s DCP Flyer
Required by FDOT’s NPDES MS4 Permits. Required by the Clean Water Act (CWA). Consistent with FDOT’s Environmental Policy. Helps protect our environment. Why is this Important?
Why is this important?
Document training activities! o Required for NPDES MS4 annual reporting o Sign-in sheets o Description / type of training o Copies of certifications / TRESS Reports o Date Friendly Reminder!