doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Enhancement to on Superframe and Channel Diversity] Date Submitted: [10 Nov, 2008] Source: [Qin Wang / Peng Zeng], Company [University of Science & Technology Beijing/ Shenyang Institute of Automation-Chinese Academy of Sciences /] Address [ 30 Xueyuan Road, Beijing , China] Phone: [ ], FAX: [ ], [ Re: [IEEE P e Call For proposal] Abstract:[] Purpose:[This document is a response to Item a) better support the industrial markets in IEEE P SG4e Call for Application on 14 November, 2007] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 2 Enhancement to on Superframe and Channel Diversity Qin Wang1), Peng Zeng2) 1) University of Science & Technology Beijing 2) Shenyang Institute of Automation-Chinese Academy of Sciences 18 January 2009
doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 3 Objective 1.Increase reliability 2.Increase deterministic degree of end-to-end communication 3.Balance the fast communication for emergency information and the very low duty cycle communication for regular information 4.Compatible with IEEE device
doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 4 MAC Behavior Categories 1. Superframe TDMA 2. MESH support Path diversity 3. Resource Scheduling 4 Time synchronization 5. ACK 6. Beacon Scheduling 7. Channel diversity Hopping (adaptive, black lists, etc) 8. Portability Fast association/disassociation
doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 5 Mesh & Star Topology R-type node is implemented with FFD, and Device is implemented with RFD
doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 6 E-Superframe Beacon of superframe CAP CFP inactive 16 slot SD BI IEEE Superframe
doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 7 PeriodLength (slots) Beacon1 CAP7 CFP8 Intra-cluster16 Inter-cluster32 Default Superframe -64 slots
doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 8 scheduled period of routers are managed by the system manager CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 CH7 Sleeping Collect data from SNs Relay data via mesh backbone sleeping *=>R1 R2=>R1 * retry Two-stage Management: timeslot, channel vs. link scheduled by cluster head *=>R1 R1=>R2 R1=>R3R3 =>R1R2 =>R1 Distributed management G
doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 9 Variable E-superframe Superframe lengthChannelNum of basic superframe GW32111 R R R2(channel12) CAPCFP Intra- cluster Inter- cluster GW(channel11) CAPCFP Intra- cluster Inter- cluster R1(channel12) CAPCFP Intra- cluster Inter - cluster CAPCFP Intra- cluster Inter - cluster CAPCFPIntra-clusterInter-cluster CAPCFP Intra- cluster Inter- cluster CAPCFP Intra- cluster Inter- cluster CAPCFP Intra- cluster Inter- cluster CAPCFP Intra- cluster Inter- cluster CAPCFPIntra-clusterInter-cluster
doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 10 Implementation Consideration (cont) Add-Link, Updata-link, Release-link, Add-SFR, Update-SFR, Release-SFR
doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 11 MCPS-DATA.request ( SAMode, DAMode, DstPANId, DA, msduLength, msdu, msduHandle, TxOptions, SecurityLevel, KeyIdMode, KeySource, KeyIndex ) Implementation Consideration (cont.) 4bits For b3 , 1= inactive TDMA transmission , 0=others
doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 12 Adaptive Channel Diversity (AFD) R N 123
doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 13 AFD-Retry Ri N1 N2 N3 N4 Rx ACK 2 1st channel Retry channel Contention period channel 2 Competitive retry 3 Invited retry Rx Tx Rx ACK Tx Rx Normal comm. Retry period CAP RxACK REQ TxRx Tx Rx ACK Rx ACK 1 Tx TX Rx ACK Rx Tx Rx ACK Tx RxACK REQ TxRx Tx Rx ACK Rx ACK Tx TX Rx Tx Rx Inter-clusterRetry periodCAP 1 fixed retry 3
doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 14 Implementation Consideration – change channel
doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 15 Implementation Consideration – retry
doc.: IEEE Submission, Slide 16 Reference e Enhancement to for hybrid contention access and scheduled access e Enhancement to with Adaptive Frequency Diversity e Enhancement to for Process Automation