0 Putting People First Housing and social care – working together to deliver personalisation May 2009
1 Clear central government agenda Putting People First (December 2007) set out a “shared vision and commitment to the transformation of Adult Social Care”. “People who use social care services and their families will increasingly shape and commission their own services’’ “The state and statutory agencies will have a different not lesser role – more active and enabling, less controlling”.
2 Independent Living Strategy 2008 ‘The Independent Living Strategy sets out a strategy to improve disabled people’s experiences and life chances.’ ‘It is the Government’s ambition that by 2013 disabled people have more choice and control over how their needs for support and /or equipment are met.’ ‘The personalisation of services is one element of the wider cross government Strategy on independent living’
3 Putting People First Re-enablement Early intervention Joint working with health Self directed support Personal budgets Neighbourhoods Volunteers User led groups Brokerage Leisure, libraries etc Transport Information and advice Personalised and flexible services
4 Housing and PPF Prevention Extra care housing Assistive technology/telecare Equipment and adaptations Handy man schemes Integrated approaches – multi agency safety checks
5 Housing and PPF Choice and control Supporting People funding included in the resource allocation Help for people to stay put or help to move on Reducing dependency on residential care by developing more community based schemes Floating support Equity release schemes Lifetime homes Joined up assessment and support planning Advice and information
6 Housing and PPF Social capital Supporting networks – tenancy associations/ neighbourhood groups Housing support linking people into their local communities Linking new developments to local facilities and networks Promoting local networks and community development
7 Housing and PPF Information and advice Housing options – reaching out to a wider community Information and advice where and when people need it Linking housing information and advice into key customer access points and information hubs
8 Key principles of personal budgets Choice and control Upfront allocation of funding/budget Resource Allocation System (RAS) Choice of support for planning/brokerage Choice of ways to manage the budget – Direct Payments, indirect payment via a 3 rd party, care managed (virtual budget), service fund, a mixture
9 Role of housing in delivering independence, well being and choice Housing has a critical role in ensuring independence and social inclusion of people who are vulnerable or disadvantaged Poor quality housing impacts adversely upon physical and mental well being and can cause further health inequalities Inappropriate housing can reduce the ability of people with ill health or a disability to lead independent lives A lack of stable housing can exacerbate and perpetuate social exclusion and risky behaviour CSIP Housing LIN – Connecting Housing to the Health and Social Care Agenda: a person centred approach 2007
10 Challenges in the SW Higher proportion of people over 65 than any other region in the country ( 21.8%) The SW region has a higher proportion of its pop. in rural areas than any other region LAs in SW are spending a higher % on residential and nursing care than other regions Sw has a relatively affluent population with large numbers of homeowners and self funders but with significant pockets of deprivation SW still has clusters of campus type accommodation for people with a learning disability
11 Regional Personalisation Programme Reports to the regional JIP Provides support to plan and implement the transformation programme for PPF Facilitates learning events and workshops Engages with a wide range of stakeholders Promotes good practice and shared problem solving Links with other work streams to join up initiatives Pilots and develops new ways of working
12 Challenges of Transforming Social Care Scale and breadth of change required Culture change Lack of capacity in LAs and the market New skills ( programme management, personalised services ) Leadership and sign up Uncertainty about future shape of services – implications for workforce and commissioning Double running of systems Competing initiatives in LAs Whole system approaches across health, social care and wider local authority
13 Joining up social care and housing to deliver personalised services How do we achieve - better partnership working joint planning and commissioning to deliver choice involvement of disabled people
14 Personalisation SW regional programme Pam Richards Tel