agriregionieuropa Groupe de Bruges European Commission Emil Erjavec The framework of the EU budget The budget of the EU a financial instrument that raises funds for financing the expenditures of the EU, and beside financial it has an economic, political and legal role. The legal base EU Treaties set out basic principles, budget procedure, general goals of policies (expenditures). Financial Regulation rules how to spend - financial management. Two sides of the budget Budget revenues – „own resources“ decision determines what and how much budgetary resources to collect. Specific rules about financing mechanisms and revenue limit (‘own resource ceilings’) Expenditures financing of policies and institutional set-up of the EU. Two instruments of the EU budget policy: Multiannual financial framework (MFF) a strategic orientation of EU budget Annual budget operational implementation of MFF and determine expenditure in detail. 1
agriregionieuropa Groupe de Bruges European Commission Emil Erjavec Financial perspective and annual budget Multiannual financial framework Indicates the maximum amount and the composition of EU expenditure over a period in the programming period (7 years). The aim: to stabilise the annual budget to strengthen budgetary discipline to keep the total increase in expenditure under control Is not a multiannual budget! It determines "ceilings" (the maximum amounts of commitment appropriations and payment appropriations) per "heading" (the categories of expenditure) for each year. Is established through Interinstitutional Agreement by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission. Before 1988 there was no MFF. MFF as result of continuing conflicts between the three institutions with budgetary powers. Planning of the CAP funds is one of the most difficult issues of MFF. Annual budget Annual financial plan which determines the sources of revenues and exact level of expenditure and the breakdown between the various budget lines. The EU budget is not allowed to be in deficit. Ceiling of the budget: % of the Union's Goss national income.
agriregionieuropa Groupe de Bruges European Commission Emil Erjavec Revenues – EU budget own resources „Own resources" are transfers made by the MS to cover EU expenditure. They are divided into four categories. Traditional own resources (arround % of the EU budget) : Taxes raised on behalf of the EU as a whole, principally import duties on goods brought into the EU. States are allowed to keep a proportion of the revenue to cover administration (25%). The importance of this resource has declined. Important part: agricultural duties and sugar levies. The VAT resource (arround % of the EU budget) : Taxes derived as a proportion of VAT levied in each member country. VAT rates vary in different countries. The importance of this resource has declined. GNI based own resources (arround % of the EU budget) : An "additional" resource – it is used to top up any revenue shortfall based on a forecast of each member state´s gross national income (Gross national income). This is the last recourse for raising funding for a budget year, so the actual figure is adjusted within predetermined limits to obtain the budget total required. Other Revenue (arround 1 % of the EU budget): This includes interest on deposits or late payments, payments from non-EU organisations, underspent funding from community programs and any other surplus from the previous budget. Commission obtains most of its revenue indirectly by payments from treasuries of MS. Payments are made monthly by MS to the Commission. The fact that the budget is funded from own resources makes the EU financially independent. 3
agriregionieuropa Groupe de Bruges European Commission Emil Erjavec Expenditures – financing of EU policies 4 Commitment appropriations (million, 2004 prices) FP EUR (billion)Structure (%) 1 Sustainable growth382 44% 1 A Competitivness 74 9% 1 B Cohesion % 2 Natural resources (agriculture, fishery) % CAP 1 Pillar % CAP 2 Pillar 78 9% 3 Other internal policies11 1% 4 Foreign policy49 6% 5 Administration50 6% 6 Compensations0,8 0% T O T A L %
agriregionieuropa Groupe de Bruges European Commission Emil Erjavec European Commission proposal on Multiannual Financial Framework COMPARISON MFF / Billion €-Post 2013 in 2011 prices Difference in % Smart and Inclusive Growth 443,1490,911% of which Competitiveness 75,4114,952% of which Economic, social and territorial cohesion 367,73762% 2. Sustainable Growth: natural resources 432,2382,9-11% of which Market related expenditure and direct payments ,8-12% of which rural development 97,389,8 -8% 3. Security and Citizenship 11,518,561% 4. Global Europe 58,970,019% 5. Administration 56,962,610% Total appropriations 1002,51025,0 5 … significant decrease in CAP budget!