DevDet Project Summary Francesco Forti, INFN and University, Pisa SuperB Detector R&D Workshop SLAC, February 14-16, 2008
Feb 15, 2008F.Forti - DevDet project2 FP7-Planning of calls and indicative budget Total operational budget 1665 M€ Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Integrating activities 277xx e-Infrastructures xx Design studies31x Construction – Support to the Preparatory Phase 147 x Construction – Support to the Implementation Phase RSFF (200 M€) M€ Policy Development and Programme Implementation 8145xxx Total per call (M€)
Feb 15, 2008F.Forti - DevDet project3 RECFA Detector R&D Coordination Group A Detector R&D planning group for FP7 – set up by RECFA in Sep 2007 –To coordinate the IA applications to maximize the chances for success, involving the European community as a whole. –Aim for a small number (one) good proposals allowing the European community to be correctly represented in them –Follow the example of ESGARD for accelerator R&D coordination The current composition of the group is: –Joachim Mnich, EUDET (Linear Collider Detectors) –Nigel Hessey and Jordan Nash, upgrade coordinators ATLAS, CMS –Lucie Linssen representing CERN –Rolf Heuer representing DESY –Alain Blondel representing neutrino detectors –Francesco Forti representing flavour factory detectors –One person from ESGARD (or/and frequent communication ESGARD) The group is lead by Norman McCubbin and Steinar Stapnes. WEB page at: detectors/Default.htm detectors/Default.htm Agendas at:
Feb 15, 2008F.Forti - DevDet project4 National Contacts The National Contact Group is a reference group with national representatives. The detector R&D is very widely distributed activity with many potential project partners, during this process it is important to have discussion partners in each European country that can: Help to identify the major detector R&D activities in each country Help to identify one (or a few) potential contract partners for EU proposals in the area of detector R&D (this could typically be national labs taking on coordination roles within one country, or a lead institute) Provide guidance to the Coordination Group during the planning phase (mails and information concerning the coordination groups work will be distributed to these national contacts). Switzerland: Martin Pohl Germany: Lutz Feld Slovakia: Miroslav Pikna Spain: Carlos Lacasta Portugal: Paula Bordalo Netherlands: Els Koffeman Israel: Giora Mikenberg Czech Republic: Vaclav Vrba Poland: Filip Zarnecki Austria: Manfred Krammer Finland: Kenneth.Osterberg and Eija.Tuominen Hungary: Gyorgy Bencze Sweden: Richard Brenner Norway: Steinar Stapnes Denmark: Peter Hansen Italy: Massimo Caccia UK: Norman McCubbin Belgium: Eduardo Cortina Gil Bulgaria: Jordan Stamenov France: Yannis Karyotakis Greece: Theodoros Alexopoulus
Feb 15, 2008F.Forti - DevDet project5 What are IAs Extract from the call: –Integrating Activities aim to provide a wider and more efficient access to and use of, the existing research infrastructures. This will ensure that European researchers may have access to the high performing research infrastructures they require to conduct their research, irrespective of the location of the infrastructure. Integrating Activities also aim to structure better and integrate, on a European scale, the way research infrastructures operate and to foster their joint development in terms of capacity and performance. The main characteristic of an Integrating Activity will be its capacity to mobilise a comprehensive consortium of stakeholders in a given class of infrastructures. Already used successfully in FP6 –EUDET: ILC Detector R&D network –CARE: accelerator R&D Limited things you can actually do –Cannot do detector R&D proper, but infrastructure development –It should not be too much experiment specific Rigid structure –Need to include 3 different kinds of workpackages: Networking – foster collaboration Transnational access – allow access to facilities Joint Research Activities – develop the facilities
Feb 15, 2008F.Forti - DevDet project6 European Detector R&D
Feb 15, 2008F.Forti - DevDet project7 Proposal strategy Priorities: 1.Common detector R&D facilities needed (as identified by representatives of the coordination group) Testbeams, Irradiation facilities, Electronics development tools, Software tools - focus on items/projects which adapt them to next detector R&D stage 2.SLHC detector R&D facilities Adaptation of the facilities/tools for SLHC detector R&D 3.Linear Collider Detector R&D facilities Focus on facilities that allow follow up of EUDET (combined set up and testing of detectors), plus related electronics, software and detector integration tools 4.Neutrino detector Detector R&D facilities Study of detector elements in testbeams, electronics and software development, detector integration tools 5.SuperB Testbeam measurements, irradiations, detectors and software Many of these facilities/common tools are linked to equipment and projects taking place in the CERN beams but several are also distributed (for example irradiation facilities, electronics, software, etc) Link strongly to the European Strategy for Particle Physics Request from EU: 9-10M€. Total budget: about 30M€ Duration: 4 years
Feb 15, 2008F.Forti - DevDet project8 Workpackages
Feb 15, 2008F.Forti - DevDet project9 WP II
Feb 15, 2008F.Forti - DevDet project10 SuperB participation SuperB participation is small by design –But it is important to be present –Should not be too identifiable WP2 – Software –Geometry description (QMU) –Tried on larger participation, but was perceived as too experiment-specific WP3 – Electronics –Enabling tools, 3D interconnect (Pavia/Bergamo) WP11 – Test beam infrastructure –Improvements on LNF Beam Test Facility (LNF, FE, PG) –Infrastructure for thermal measurements (PI)
Feb 15, 2008F.Forti - DevDet project11 SuperB in WP11 Under WP11.1 – Beam lines setup at LNF BTF Mechanics to remotely control the mechanical position of the DUT. Approximate requirements: 100cm usable area, kg load, 30-40cm travel (can be less), about 1mm positioning accuracy, vibration isolation. Interested parties: LNF (BTF) Beam monitor and profiler: continuously monitor the beam quality, position, width. Implementation can be done with GEM chambers with a resolution of about 3-400um in xy. Interested parties: LNF (BTF, Bencivenni, Murtas) Low material telescope made with straw tube, designed for tracking applications, in particular the SuperB DCH, with resolution <100um (to check ??) in one view only. Interested parties: LNF (BTF, Finocchiaro) Beam energy calibration. There are two issues: 1) Measure the actual beam energy resolution, which has never been done especially at low energy; and 2) correct for non-linearity and hysteresis of the momentum selection magnet in an energy scan. –Build a small and precise calorimetry system to measure energy resolution both on electrons and tagged photons. We need to understand whether Babar style CsI(Tl) crystals that will be used for some of the SuperB tests have the required performance. Interested parties: LNF (Miscetti), PG (Cecchi) –Install magnetic field probes in the momentum selection magnets. Necessary to ensure repeatability of energy setting. Interested parties: LNF (BTF) Tagged photon beam. The setup is currently a bit homemade and unstable. Requires engineering, spare boards, development into an user facility. It is essential to reduce the background by a factor especially at low energy. Under WP11.4 – DAQ for stand-alone tests at BTF Develop user-friendly DAQ system for BTF, based on standard boards available from LNF electronics pool or widely available. Interested parties: LNF(BTF), Ferrara (Calabrese) Under WP11.5 – Cooling infrastructure Develop a thermohydraulic testbench for the thermal and fluid dynamical characterization of tracker modules and subsystems. Initial specs: W of cooling power, -30 – 20 C temperature range. Including measurement of temperature, flux, pressure. Interested parties: Pisa(Bosi)
Feb 15, 2008F.Forti - DevDet project12 Budget EU project budget is not straightforward EU contribution about 1/3 of total –Could be more, but CERN decided to follow this prescription –Mostly covers personnel –EU Equipment reimbursement can only cover the depreciation of equipment during the duration of the project –Operating costs and consumables can be covered Rest of budget must come from partners –Salaries of staff members working on the project –Contribution of equipment, consumables, travel Total SuperB related EU contribution –About 300K€