Cultural Diversity Social Categories – grouping of people who share a social characteristic Ethnocentrism – judging others in terms of ones own cultural standards. The belief in the superiority of one's own culture. Sociobiology – Joins together the ideas of modern genetics with Darwin’s theory of natural selection. It is the study of the biological basis of human behavior.
Cultural Diversity Subculture – segment of a culture that differs in a distinct and recognizable way. It is a culture within a broader mainstream culture, with its own separate values, practices, and beliefs. (Trekkie, Hip Hop, Preppie, LGBT, Alcoholics Anonymous) Counterculture – opposed to certain central beliefs or attitudes of the dominant culture. The cultural equivalent of political opposition. (Hippies in the 60’s, The Tea Party)
Language Language – an abstract system of word meanings and symbols for all aspects of culture Language can be written, spoken, and non-verbal communication
Spoken and Written Language Spoken and/or Written Language The organization of written and/or spoken symbols into a standardized, recognized system to communicate Speaking the same language is fundamental to shared culture Over 6,500 languages are spoken in the world today
Nonverbal Communication The use of gestures, facial expressions, and other visual images to communicate Gestures in one culture may mean something entirely different in another culture Symbols – a thing that stands for something else. It can be gestures, objects, and words that form the basis of human communication