Strategies to Check Student Learning in the Classroom Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs)
Presentation Outline 1.What are Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs)? 2.What are the Benefits of CATs for Teachers and Students? 3.What Kinds of Evaluations are CATs Designed to Perform? 4.What are the Kinds of Evaluations?
Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) What are CATs?
Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) Formative Evaluation Methods
Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) Formative Evaluation Methods serve 2 purposes: 1.Course Content 2.Methods of teaching and student learning
Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) Formative Evaluation Methods are most effective when: o They are done frequently o Feedback is used immediately in the day-to-day course operations
Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) CATs help: o Assess the degree to which your students understand the course content o Provide you with information about the effectiveness of your teaching methods
Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) What are the Benefits for Teachers and for Students?
Benefits for Teachers CATs provide teachers with: o Day-to-day feedback that can be applied immediately o Useful information about what students have learned CATs allow teachers to address: o Student misconceptions in a timely way o Lack of understanding in a timely way
Benefits for Teachers CATs help teachers to o Develop better working relationships with students o Help students understand that teaching and learning are on-going processes
Benefits for Students CATs help students to o develop self-assessment o develop learning management skills o Reduce feelings of isolation and powerlessness especially in large classes
Benefits for Students CATs help to o Increase students’ understanding o Increase ability to think critically o Foster attitudes that value understanding and long-term retention o Demonstrate to the students a teacher’s interest and caring about their success
Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) What Kinds of Evaluations are CATs Designed to Perform?
CATs Performance CATs are designed to do three things: 1.Course-related Knowledge and Skills 2.Student Attitudes, Values, and Self-awareness 3.Reactions to Instruction Methods
CATs Performance 1.Course-related Knowledge and Skills o Prior knowledge, recall and understanding o Analysis and critical thinking skills o Synthesis and creative thinking skills o Problem solving skills o Application and performance skills
CATs Performance 2. Student Attitudes, Values, and Self-awareness o Values and attitudes o Learning processes o Skills
CATs Performance 3. Reactions to Instruction methods o Student and peer reactions to Teachers and teaching Class activities Assignments Course materials
Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) What are the Kinds of Evaluations?
CATs Evaluation One Course-related Knowledge and Skills o One-Minute Paper o Muddiest Point o Chain Notes o Application Article o Student Generated Test Questions
CATs: Evaluation Two Attitudes, Values, and Self-Awareness o Journals
CATs: Evaluation Three Reactions to Instruction o Exam Evaluations o Student Rep Group o Suggestion Box o Peer Review
Conclusion 1.Overview of Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) 2.Benefits of CATs for Teachers and Students 3.Evaluation Performance of CATs 4.Different Kinds of CATs Evaluations
References HAUGEN, Lee, 1999, Strategies to Check Student Learning in the Classroom, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching ANGELO, Thomas A. and K. Patricia CROSS, 1993, Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers, Second Edition, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers