Reporting in Schoolnet Trainer Trainer/Consultant
Goal of Today’s Training Educators will learn how to: - Navigate Schoolnet’s home and sub-pages - Use Schoolnet to examine data and improve student achievement Educators will have the opportunity to: - Start examining their school’s data - Begin crafting their own Schoolnet professional development - Receive advice from a Schoolnet professional
Agenda Introduction: What’s so Hard about Examining Data Developing Common Process and Vocabulary Assessment Data Drilling Down - Skills, Standards, Items - Individual Report Pulling it all Together Debrief and Feedback
Essential Question What data processes, concepts, and vocabulary do you use to guide instructional improvements and student achievement in your school and district?
The Big Overview - Describe ✦ What do you see? - Analyze ✦ What do you learn from the data? - Consider ✦ What more do you want to know and where would you find it? ✦ What instructional actions will you take?
View Key Performance Indicators Explore the KPI Dashboard.
Look at the Data Find a section of your school that has district and local assessment data Examine that assessment: - In which band do most of your students place? - What was the average score for your class? - How did your class do as measured against the school? The district?
What information is available about each student?
Student Data on the Home Page Reflects current students Select desired class View roster and recent test results
Reports Available to Investigate Further Access pre-formatted reports.
Save and Access Your Own Reports So that the data is always current, save the report parameters, rather than the results.
My Schoolnet for Administrators The Schoolnet home page provides shortcuts to key information about your students, school and district. Principal and teacher views differ.
Which standards are difficult? Use the Standards Mastery reports to find out.
Student Mastery Grouping
Analysis Spreadsheet How are my students performing across multiple data points?
Standards Mastery: Standardized Test Report
Which items are difficult for students? Use the Benchmark Item Analysis report.
Printing Single student profile Multiple student profiles One report Report for each section of a course 19
Benchmark and Classroom Test Dashboard
Trends Report How is the class performing? Which standards are most difficult? Is the class improving?
Group Students for Differentiation Create student groups based on assessment results or other criteria and view the data in a spreadsheet.
How did students perform on benchmark tests?
Drilling Down: Item Analysis Report Find a section that has district and local assessment data - Which skill and standard are you most concerned about for your students? - Which items were the most challenging for students and what can you learn about their misunderstandings by looking at the distractors? - What evidence of strengths/weaknesses in curriculum, instruction, or assessment are apparent in the data? - What other data (student work, individual demographic data) do you have that informs your knowledge about student performance? - What instructional actions will you take to differentiate instruction based on the data?
Reports Available to Investigate Further Access published reports in the Report Bank.