The Spanish- American War Chapter 7 Section 2 US History
The Coming of War ______________, a Spanish colony, began attacking Spanish authorities in The attack failed and the attackers ______________________. The leader of the revolution was _____________________. He led another revolution in 1895 and took half of Cuba back. US tried to be _______________, but tended to side with the rebels. Our newspapers began to use _______________________, by running exaggerated stories about the Spanish. The Spanish governor had tens of thousands of ____________________________. This led the United States to ____________________________.
Pressure to Go To War Spanish ambassador said _________________________. Our ship, the ________ ____________ exploded in Cuba killing many Americans. _________________________! McKinley wanted to stay ____________________, but was pressured into declaring war on Spain in ________.
A War on Two Fronts Us navy attacked a Spanish fleet in the ____________________, a Spanish colony. ___________________ led troops into the Philippines and seized ____________________________. In June 1898, American troops advanced on Cuba. Took _______________ and _________________________. Troops known as the “__________________” were led by colonel Leonard ________ and Theodore __________________________. One-fourth of troops in Cuba were African Americans. Spanish surrendered in ______________________________.
An American Empire is Born Many Americans supported the annexation of the Philippines because it gave us a _________________________. It was close to ____________, who we wanted to trade with. _______________________: US and Spain signed in December 1898, Cuba was declared an __________________________. US obtained the Philippines for 20 million and also got __________________. Filipinos led a revolution against the us because did not like their presence there. Led by ________________________. The us responded by introducing reforms in ________________, transportation, and __________________. Filipinos began to appreciate our presence. In 1946, the us granted them _______________________.
Results of the War __________________________ made Puerto Rico our territory. In 1917, Puerto Ricans were granted _____________________ they were allowed to elect their own governor. Debate remains over Puerto Rican _____________ __________________________________________________. After the war, the US set up a ________________ government in Cuba. The ________________________ outlined Cuba’s involvement with the United States. US would be allowed to have naval stations there and were allowed to keep order there. Repealed in 1934.