What’s In It For Me?
-Gryphon Bucks are the daily reinforcement that every staff member at CCGMS gives out to acknowledge students who are meeting and exceeding school-wide expectations. -Every teacher and staff member is expected to give out 5-7 a day (90 staff x about 6 GB’s = 540 GB’s that are given out daily!) -Haven’t earned one yet? Work harder to make good choices, especially when you are in the presence of another student who is not.
1) Gryphon Prize Vault Located at the “T” of each grade level hallway Drawings occur weekly and are announced Friday morning on announcements Six student winners (Two from each grade level) and six staff winners Winning students report to Room 914 (Mr. Grieser’s classroom) to select prize Prizes include: school supplies, free entry to home Gryphon game, Café’ Cookie Certificate, Locker accessories and more!) Special drawings at the end of each marking period (choice of $10 gift card to winners and prize vault lockers are emptied)
2) Gryphon Store -Virtual Store opens every 2-3 weeks throughout the school year -Items for purchase from 2-50 Gryphon Bucks -some of the items available for purchase: -school supplies, jewelry, Gryphon Gear, Central Gear, home athletic event passes, free admission to school dances -$10 Gift cards to Amazon, Walmart, Itunes, Google Play or GameStop -Be on the lookout for new, bigger-ticket items to add to the list by the end of October (Hint: game systems) -First Gryphon Store opening is THIS FRIDAY. For future opening, look for signs around the school that look like this.
3) Team Boosters/Incentives -If they haven’t yet shared, ask your team of teachers what incentives they have planned where you can use your Gryphon Bucks -If your team of teachers has not come up with any incentives yet, create a list of ideas to spark some thinking!
The other major piece to our school’s acknowledgement of students that consistently make good choices are celebrations. -When? – At the end of each marking period -Where? – Usually in the gym and/or outside on the activity fields -What is it? – A chance to get out of class to enjoy some free food and drinks and play games or socialize with friends
How do I qualify? Simple: Meet each of the following criteria. 1) No more than one missing/incomplete assignment in each of your classes 2) No more than one dress code violation 3) No more than one unexcused absence 4) No more than one ASD, ISS, or OSS 5) Cafeteria balance must be less than $5.00 6) All fees paid (media center, band, chorus, art if applicable)
Quarterly PBIS Celebrations 1st Quarter - Friday, October 30th 2nd Quarter - Friday. January 22nd 3rd Quarter - Friday March 18th 4th Quarter - **Friday, May 20 th All Four - **Tuesday, May 31st (**-Dates are subject to change) Important: The deadline for students to meet all six criteria on the previous slide is the Friday before each of the dates listed above. Questions? Ask your homeroom teacher or Mr. Grieser.