"If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite." William Blake, English Poet ( )
Romantic Movement (basically, the 19 th century) Nationalism The breaking of classical structure Freedom of thought Extended forms, expanded poetry and novels Thomas de Quincy: Confessions of an Opium Eater The virtuoso (prominent artist with great ability)
Jimi Hendrix Violin virtuoso (1782 – 1840) h5TLAhttp:// h5TLA Nicolai Paganini Member of the “27” ( ) 2aWb8http:// 2aWb8 Use of strings, feedback, tremolo bar, distortion effects
"If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite." From “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell,” William Blake, English Poet ( )
The Doors were named… After Aldous Huxley’s book The Doors of Perception, which was influenced by Blake’s quote
At least two films made about the Doors and Jim Morrison… “The Doors” starring Val Kilmer, directed by Oliver Stone (who has just come out with another documentary about George Harrison—to mixed reviews)
The Doors Jim Morrison, lead singer Robbie Krieger, guitar Ray Manzarek, organ/keyboards (no bass) John Densmore, drums
According to his biography, Morrison was the first Rock star to be arrested on stage …by the New Haven police “Eat it”
Touch Me A-07Pwhttp:// A-07Pw From an episode of the “The Smother’s Brothers Comedy Hour” Light my Fire gCpAhttp:// gCpA
When the Music’s Over 7Dpdg&feature=fvsthttp:// 7Dpdg&feature=fvst