No Body Shame Campaign 8 th Grade Health
Things to think about… Where do we get our ideas for what we think looks attractive? Do other peoples opinions affect someone's image? How does media/peers play a role in determining what looks good when it comes to image?
Body Image The way you SEE and FEEL (height, shape, weight) about your body How you feel IN your body…not just ABOUT your body
Positive Body Image Most of the time, you see yourself ACCURATELY, you feel COMFORTABLE in your body, and you feel GOOD about the way you LOOK May not match your FAMILY’S IDEALS or the MEDIAS, but you learn to be PROUD of the way you look SEE yourself as you REALLY are…how you look, doesn’t determine your SELF-WORTH
Negative Body Image A DISTORTED perception of oneself. You feel SELF-CONSCIOUS, uncomfortable, or awkward in your body. Look in the mirror and see oneself or ones body parts as larger, smaller, or different than what they really are Feels like you don’t MEASURE up to family, social, or media ideals One may feel this way from time to time (it’s NORMAL), but if it CONSUMES you then that could be SERIOUS and may lead to other things
Influences PEOPLE around us and CULTURE can strongly influence body image Getting POSITIVE and NEGATIVE messages from friends and family members Television, MAGAZINES, Films, and other Media Natural Aging Process and Life Experiences EMOTIONAL State- work or relationships become stressful
Tips HEALTH and APPEARANCE are two different things ACCEPT and VALUE your Genes- probably inherited a lot of traits from family members, so love those traits like you love your family Keep a list of POSITIVE qualities that have nothing to do with your appearance Surround yourself with people who are SUPPORTIVE and who make you feel GOOD about yourself
No Body Shame Campaign Complex, Multi-Faceted issue that is best dealt with by first unapologetically loving yourself as you are Positive changes can not start or be sustained until you are truly KIND to yourself from the INSIDE out Your body doesn’t have to LIMIT you, whether it be “too skinny,” “too fat,” or “to broken” This is a movement that asserts that you do not need society's permission or approval to be YOUR TRUE SELF