Chapter 15 Part 4 Pages 510-514. Terms to Know Gone With the Wind Orson Wells Grant Wood Richard Wright The Grapes of Wrath.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 15 Part 4 Pages

Terms to Know Gone With the Wind Orson Wells Grant Wood Richard Wright The Grapes of Wrath

Entertainment in the 30s Radio and the movies provided an escape from grim reality during the Great Depression 90% of American families had a radio 62% of Americans went to a movie at least once a week

Popular films Gone With the Wind The Wizard of Oz Snow White and the Seven Dwarves Comedies the Marx Brothers and Duck Soup

Gone eith the Wind ube+gone+with+the+wind+i+don't+give+a+da mn&FORM=VIRE1#view=detail&mid=E805AA 37FDB6F5CD5F9CE805AA37FDB6F5CD5F9C

Duck Soup 20tube%20Duck%20Soup&qs=n&form=QBVR &pq=you%20tube%20duck%20soup&sc=2- 18&sp=- 1&sk=#view=detail&mid=C973B556C92582BC BA1DC973B556C92582BCBA1D

War of the Worlds +Welles+War+of+the+World%27s+Radio+Broa dcast&Form=VQFRVP#view=detail&mid=0E08 ED258B E08ED258B Welles+War+of+the+World%27s+Radio+Broa dcast&Form=VQFRVP#view=detail&mid=0E08 ED258B E08ED258B

Radio Dramas Variety Shows The Lone Ranger, Superman, The Green Lantern, News analysis Orson Wells and War of the World on Mercury Theater Presents Oct 30, 1938

The Arts Art, Music, Literature Mostly serious and somber WPA paid artists to paint murals on government buildings, Schools, Etc.

American Gothic Grand Wood

Diego Rivera

Rivera Many murals displaying the dignity of the American worker Detroit Institute of the Arts

Music Woody Guthrie Portraed the suffering of those victims of the Dust Bowl 2aE&feature=player_embedded 2aE&feature=player_embedded

Writers Saul Bellow Richard Wright Native Son Thornton WilderOur Town John SteinbeckGrapes of Wrath