A27 Polegate - Lewes Presentation to CPRE Sussex Meeting 8 November 2014 Mark Sullivan, planning and transport consultant
Proposals in the past 1990 Consultation on alternative routes Preferred route announced then revised 1996 three smaller schemes protected (Southerham-Beddingham, Selmeston, Wilmington to Cophall) 2003 Multi-modal study led to Southerham- Beddingham on-line widening and bridge Selmeston and Wilmington routes deleted
Pelham Homes proposed housing west of Polegate in 2004 including new road (Folkington Link) persuaded Wealden Councillors to support this in Non-Statutory Local Plan major application in 2006 refused Second application in 2008 (with no Folkington Link) refused in 2009 Appeal heard Jan 2011, Polegate people heard Appeal refused by Eric Pickles May 2011
Highways Agency works to A27 Southerham-Beddingham improvement carried out Local junction widening at Glynde turn Widening for right turn Charleston Local work at Lewes Road Polegate Other schemes such as Folkington Lane not progressed despite local support
New Corridor Studies 2014 Chancellor announced new trunk road corridor studies 2013 A27 Corridor Feasibility Study set up to examine Arundel, Worthing and East of Lewes sections of the road Lobby from Eastbourne (marginal constituency) seeks new road despite environmental reasons for rejection of major schemes in 1996 and 2003 Consultants carrying out a limited study without clear assessment of objectives
Options being examined New road Cophall to Beddingham or Glynde (dual carriageway) New road Cophall to Beddingham or Glynde (single carriageway Selmeston Bypass (south of Barley Mow) New road Cophall to Wilmington Folkington Link
Alternatives not being examined Junction improvements along existing A27 More safety measures and crossing facilities on A27 More rail capacity to handle the growing demand along the line (longer trains) Willingdon Chord line to speed train journeys Brighton/Lewes to Bexhill, Hastings, Kent
Planned Junction improvements around Polegate Under current Wealden planning policy, developers building housing in Hailsham, Polegate, Stone Cross are contributing to a fund to improve existing junctions 5 Junctions to be improved: Polegate High St/A2280; Lewes Road signals; Cophall roundabout; A22/A27 roundabout east of Polegate; roundabout A22/Pevensey Road Unclear when these works will be commenced When carried out, congestion around Polegate should reduce, but no plans yet shown to public
Benefits of a new road Faster journeys by car by 3 to 5 minutes Easier turning in and out of villages along A27 Developers can build more houses in Polegate, Hailsham area Easier for firms to serve Eastbourne from outside by lorry
Harmful effects of a new road Traffic will increase as faster journeys encourages more traffic Reduction in use of railway Return of Pelham Homes plan west of Polegate (existing road detrunked so access off it no longer denied) Major harm to landscape and views Loss of high-quality agricultural land Damage to many heritage features Eastbourne businesses lose trade to outside firms
Costs of a new road New dual carriageway Cophall to Beddingham 400 million New single carriageway Cophall to Beddingham 300 million New road Cophall to Wilmington 80 million Folkington Link 40 million Question 1 – are any of these schemes worthwhile priorities for the Government? Question 2 – are lower-cost works to existing junctions more likely to be funded?