Lesson 1 1 Safe and Smart Physical Activity L E S S O N
Today’s Objectives Explain how the PAR-Q is used to determine medical readiness for physical activity. Explain how the environment can affect your body during physical activity. List some safety precautions for physical activity in the heat and the cold.
PAR-Q International tool used to quickly determine medical readiness Seven yes-or-no questions Answering yes to any question requires a conversation with a medical doctor before increasing physical activity levels Available online at
PAR-Q Fill out the PAR-Q survey.
Environmental Factors Hot, humid weather Cold, windy, and wet weather Pollution Altitude
Hot, Humid Weather Hyperthermia (overheating) is when your body temperature rises too high. Hot weather increases sweating. Humidity reduces the effectiveness of the sweating (reduces evaporation). The inability to cool your body effectively results in three main conditions: heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke.
Heat-Related Conditions ConditionDefinition Heat crampsMuscle cramps caused by excessive heat exposure and low water consumption. Heat exhaustionCondition caused by excessive heat exposure and characterized by paleness, clammy skin, profuse sweating, weakness, tiredness, nausea, dizziness, muscle cramps, and possibly vomiting or fainting. Body temperature may be normal or slightly above normal. HeatstrokeCondition caused by excessive heat exposure and characterized by high body temperature up to 106°F (41°C); hot, dry, flushed skin; rapid pulse; lack of sweating; dizziness; and possibly unconsciousness. This serious condition can result in death and requires prompt medical attention.
Guidelines for Preventing Heat- Related Conditions Begin gradually. Drink water. Wear proper clothing. Rest frequently. Avoid extreme heat and humidity. Find shade and cool off when you get hot.
Cold, Windy, and Wet Weather Hypothermia is excessively low body temperature. Symptoms include shivering, numbness, drowsiness, muscle weakness, and confusion or disorientation. Extreme cold can cause frostbite.
Guidelines for Exercising in Cold, Windy, and Wet Conditions Avoid extreme cold and wind. Dress properly. Avoid exercising in weather that is icy or cold and wet.
Pollution Air pollution can affect your ability to breathe. Experts have identified levels of pollution (ozone and particulate matter) that are unhealthful. Pollution levels are rated by means of an air quality index that ranges from good to very unhealthful air quality.
Guidelines for Dressing for Physical Activity Wear comfortable and appropriate clothing. Use sun screen or wear clothing that protects you from the sun. Wash exercise clothing regularly. Dress in layers when exercising outdoors. Wear proper socks. Wear proper shoes. Consider lace-up ankle braces.
Science in Action: Science Prepares Us for Safe Exercise Cardiac rehabilitation after heart attacks –Then: bed rest after heart attack –Now: well-planned exercise programs for rehabilitation Sport drinks for resisting heat-related conditions –Then: numerous incidents of heatstroke and death during football training camps –Now: almost no heat-related deaths during football training camps