Funding How much does it cost to produce a Neighbourhood Plan? The cost depends entirely on the scope, complexity, the type and scale of engagement & consultation, and the style of production. Referendum & examination costs are met by the local planning authority.
Funding How much have other projects spent? Strumpshaw Neighbourhood Plan (Norfolk) Total spend - £4,220 Heathfield Park Neighbourhood Plan (Wolverhampton) Total spend - £19,500 does-it-cost-to-produce-a-neighbourhood-plan/
Funding What are the options to fund the process? Grant Funding Locality – up to £9, planning/?_a=funding Local Donations or Sponsorship Residents – Local Organisations – Businesses
Funding Grant Funding – other sources Awards for All (Big Lottery) £300 to £10,000 – Tur Langton N’hood Plan £9,700 Sharing Heritage (Heritage Lottery Fund) £3000 to £10,000 Precepting and other council funds Unlimited precepting powers. Community Infrastructure Levy – 25% of levy funds collected in an area HDC’s Community Grant Fund (New Homes Bonus) Other ideas - Locally run lottery, fund raising events, sponsorship, etc.
Funding Neighbourhood Planning... Opportunity for the local Community Led by the local Community Benefits the local Community Funded by the local Community
Options – Case Study Vision and objectives set via evidence gathering & local consultation and engagement activity
Options – Case Study OBJECTIVE – Protect the identity of Scraptoft OPTIONS Do Nothing Identify a Green Wedge between Scraptoft and Leicester Identify an Area of Separation between Scraptoft and Thurnby & Bushby New buildings designed to reflect the traditional character of Scraptoft
Options – Case Study OBJECTIVE – Ensure that traffic flows and there is good off-street parking in the village centre OPTIONS: Do Nothing Site of Village Hall used to create a village centre Car Park if new Community Centre is developed. Part of Edith Cole Memorial Park used to create a village centre Car Park New housing incorporates adequate off road parking
Options – Case Study Allocating Sites for Development OPTIONS: New development to be focused in Thurnby & Bushby Sites allocated that protect the Green Wedge between Scraptoft and Leicester. Sites allocated that protect the area of separation between Scraptoft and Thurnby & Bushby. Sites allocated to ensure nature conservation. Sites allocated based on traffic and transport impact. Sites allocated based on Community priority.
Keeping the Community on Board Informing them of progress and testing options
Informing People of Progress The Golden Rule.... Regular communication which is honest, open, relevant and responsive
Informing People of Progress “The Neighbourhood Plan can’t enforce speed or parking restrictions, but it could consider the provision of additional off-street parking” “The Neighbourhood Plan will enable us to better enforce speed and parking restrictions in the village” Honest..
Informing People of Progress “Emerging local planning policy is likely to require us to find space for the development at least 840 new dwellings between now and 2028” “The Parish Council has been made aware of a requirement for us to build a lot of new houses across the village over the next few years” Open..
Informing People of Progress “Thank you to the 126 residents that attended our drop in event. The results are currently being analysed and will help set the overall vision and objectives for our plan” “The Neighbourhood Plan event last weekend was a great success and thanks go to Jim for providing the tea and refreshments” Relevant..
Testing Options Consultation Be consistent and ensure activity follows on and builds upon previous engagement Two primary methods: Surveys / Questionnaires Consultation Event
Testing Options Approach You can ask the community to: Select preferred option(s) Rank options Score options Comment on options Determine criteria to assess options