Genni and Lisa
Mammoth Cave, Kentucky (1843) Marie Ginoux Joel Oppenheimer Inc I see Mammoth cave in Kentucky. I see 2 people. One looks like a grown man and the other looks like a child. I think there is a ladder connecting from the ground to a ledge. In the distance, there is an exit. The child is holding some sort of source of light. I think this image was made so people know what mammoth cave looks like from the inside. This was made in people are walking in the cave. I think the audience for this is anynoe. From this image, I can learn what mammoth cave looks like.. If someone were to make this today, the cave would look different and the people would be wearing helmets and protection gear. Who are the two people? What are they trying to do When was this? Where are they headed? Why are they walking away from the exit How are they going to survive if something bad happens
Donner Lake from the Summit (1873) Albert Bierstadt Joel Oppenhiemer Inc
Winter Twilight Near Albany (1858) George Henry Boughton Joel Oppenhiemer Inc
Catskill Creek, NY (1845) Thomas Cole Joel Oppenheimer Inc
The Course Of Empire (1836) Thomas Cole Joel Oppenheimer Inc