JISER-MED PROJECT “The Mediterranean Higher Education space and the Universitat de Barcelona ” Jordan, 29 th Joint Innovation & Synergies in Education and Research - Mediterranean Countries.
ERASMUS MUNDUS PROGRAMME - Promotion EU Higher Education European Commission- Directorate-General for Education and Culture- and Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) Action 3 provides support to transnational initiatives, studies, projects, events and other activities aimed at enhancing the attractiveness, profile, image and visibility of, and accessibility to, EU HE Education in the world This Action is addressed to higher education institutions and other organisations active in the field of higher education which wish to establish a cooperation project Jordan, 29 June, 2011
The University of Barcelona and the Euro-Med HE space The Universitat de Barcelona has had, historically, a leading role in the Mediterranean Scientific development and cooperation. The Universitat de Barcelona has had historical links not only with Euromediterranean universities but also with non European Universities Jordan, 29 June, 2011
II.- The University of Barcelona and the Euro-Med HE space The Universitat de Barcelona plays an important role leading and participating in academic and research cooperation projects in the region. Jordan, 29 June, 2011
List of projects (2009/2010) by country and knowledge areas Social SciencesLaw Phisics and EngineeringBiologyGeologyPharmacyChemistryMedicineTotal Egypt Algeria 12 3 Tunisia Marroc Jordan 11 2 Jordan, 29 June, 2011
WHY JISER-MED? To enhance the attractiveness of EU HE in the Mediterranean for the benefit of both regions & contribute to the creation of EUROMED HE & RESEARCH AREA by building upon previous forums and associations funded by the EU and the experiences and knowledge accumulated in them by taking advantage of synergies already in place among consolidated forums & networks Jordan, 29 June, 2011
WHO IS JISER-MED? Coordinator: Universitat de Barcelona European Partners: EPUF-Spain ALMA LAUREA- Italy Universitat de Illes Balears -UIB- Spain University of Montpellier 1 - UM1- France ANECA-Spain University of Perpignan Via Domita – France Mediterranean Partners: Adelmalek Essaâdi University- Morocco Princess Soraya University - Jordan The Virtual University of Tunisia - Tunisia Associated Partners: Main Policy Associated Partner: IEMED – Spain Main HE Cooperation Associated Partner: OBREAL Geographical Partners: The Dubai Institute of technology – UAE The Pamukkale University – Turkey University of Padova – Italy University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 - France The Pyrenees Mediterranean Euroregion- Andorra, France Jordan, 29 June, 2011
JISER-MED Project OBJECTIVES Improving services for Mediterranean students and doctoral candidates; Enhancing the International Dimension of Quality Assurance from a Mediterranean perspective - Strengthening relations between European Higher Education and Research contributing to the interdisciplinary policy debate in furtherance of increased participation and mutual understanding among different stakeholders of Mediterranean region; and ensuring sustainable means of multiplying and disseminating successful experiences of EUROMED joint actions in the areas of He and Research. Jordan, 29 June, 2011
I.-HOW JISER-MED? By preparing and carrying out a SURVEY to identify the challenges and opportunities in the area of Services for Mediterranean students to EU HE By consolidating findings on the possible services in the EU HE in a Green Paper and including recommendations in a White Paper. By studying best practices in HE & Research By strengthening the international dimension of Quality Assurance from a Mediterranean perspective working together with MED universities and EU QA agencies Jordan, 29 June, 2011
II. HOW JISER-MED? Vertical Dimensions Student´s Services (D1) QA Dimension (D2) HE&RESEARCH – Best Practices (D3) Horizontal Dimensions Policy Dimension. (D4) Multiplier Dimension. (D5) Jordan, 29 June, 2011
III. HOW JISER-MED? By preparing and carrying out a SURVEY to identify the challenges and opportunities in the area of Services for Mediterranean students to EU HE (D1) By consolidating findings on the possible services in the EU HE in a Green Paper and including recommendations in a White Paper. (D1+D2) By strengthening the international dimension of Quality Assurance from a Mediterranean perspective working together with MED universities and EU QA agencies (D2) By studying best practices in HE&R (D3)
Jordan, 29 June, 2011 IV- HOW JISER-MED? By contributing to the interdisciplinary policy debate to further a greater understanding among stakeholders and decision-makers in both regions through the organisation of Round Tables, Debates, Foras and Bi-regional Seminars By working towards the dissemination and multiplication of good practices and successful experiences carried out by EUROMED in the area of HE and Research through the creation of Multiplier Units, 6 By consolidating an evaluation frame in order to assurance the quality of JISER-MED outputs.
Events & Workshops Calendar M1 – (17 January) Policy Seminar in Barcelona (18 January- KOM) M11-13 (SEP-OCT 2011) Semminar in Jordan. Dimension 2&3 M (May – 12) Seminar in Marroc. Dimension 1. M18-20 ( oct- 12) Policy Seminar in Balears Islands. Evaluation meeting - Tarragona Jordan, 29 June, 2011
II. Events & Workshops Calendar Embeded events / participation in ANECA events/meetings QA agencies across Europe, LAC and Middle East. QA policy debates at EU Level. IEMED events. Policy Discussions (Seminar on May 23th) Jordan, 29 June, 2011