Synopsis of the Argument Pick one main theme to highlight and only use textual details that specifically refer to that main idea DO NOT introduce a secondary theme or idea
Synopsis of the Argument The general argument made by Kurt Vonnegut in his Letter to the School Board is that he felt insulted by their actions. More specifically he argues that they are “bad citizens and fools.” He writes that he has “served on the faculty of Harvard” to show his credentials. In this passage Vonnegut is suggesting that the school board does not see him as a “real person.” In conclusion, Vonnegut’s belief is that the school board is stupid and ignorant for burning his books without even reading them. POORLY DONE
The general argument made by Kurt Vonnegut in his Letter to the Drake School Board is that the school board behaved in an un- American, “uncivilized way,” burning books and restricting information and opinions from the children in their district. More specifically he argues that “books are sacred to free men” and points out that “wars have been fought against nations” which hate and burn books. Vonnegut calls the members of the school board “ignorant and uncivilized” as they behaved in both an insulting and irresponsible manner. In this passage he suggests that by burning his books (without even reading them), all Americans, as well as their own children will label the Drake school board “bad citizens and fools” for not allowing ALL ideas to circulate freely. Good Example
Open- ended Response Quotation Sandwich ANSWER with a REASON. USE SPECIFIC NAMES IN YOUR ANSWER #1 EXPLAIN what you mean- weaving into your words a piece of text from the piece that specifically supports your reason. NEVER BEGIN OR END WITH A QUOTE Elaborate your answer with additional text from the piece, drawing a connection to your original answer. NEVER BEGIN OR END WITH A QUOTE Explain HOW the quote SUPPORTS your reason. Optional TIE your reason to a theme of the story ALWAYS WRITE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES
Quotation Sandwich Yes because he points out how un-American their actions were. “Then people are entitled to call you bad citizens and fools.” They also insulted him and he wanted to show them how real he is. POORLY WRITTEN
Quotation Sandwich Vonnegut achieved his purpose by pointing out the un-American act of the school board as it burned his books. Vonnegut says that America has “fought wars against nations that have burned books” and that it was a “rotten lesson” they taught their children, when they “destroyed books in the now famous furnace” without even having read them. Vonnegut points out that the school board behaved as foolish and irresponsible, bad citizens. Good Example
Quotation Sandwich Vonnegut’s letter made me think that the school board did an evil thing and that “writers are very unreal” to them. They didn’t even bother to read his books which makes me think they are “bad citizens.” He was right to feel insulted. Poor example
Quotation Sandwich I was swayed by Vonnegut’s letter because it made me think about the responsibilities of a school board. The school board is supposed to “expose children to all sorts of information” not burn books to kill ideas. The school board should have allowed a variety of ideas and opinions to “circulate freely;” but instead, the school board showed they were only interested in their own opinions- and would not tolerate different ideas. GOOD EXAMPLE