Angus Red Angus Aknole Watusi Charolais Chianina Gelbvieh Hereford Longhorn Polled Herford Limousin Maine-Anjou Salers Shorthorn Simmental South Devon Brahman Brangus Santa Gertrudis Beefmaster Tarentaise Chapter 8 Introduction to Livestock and Companion Animals 1
Beef cattle production varies among producers. The kind of system depends on the producer’s goals, resources available, and local market. A cow-calf system is keeping adult cattle to raise calves for sale to other growers. A backgrounding system is an approach that takes a calf from the time it is weaned from the cow to the feedlot phase. A finishing system is an approach that takes a calf through the complete grow-out phase of beef production. Chapter 8 Introduction to Livestock and Companion Animals2
Showing beef cattle can be fun. Showing beef cattle allows producers to promote their cattle to prospective buyers and other breeders. The five steps of showing beef cattle are: Animal Selection Animal Care Halter Breaking Grooming Showing Chapter 8 Introduction to Livestock and Companion Animals3
Most beef cattle breeds originated in Europe or Great Britain. Beef cattle are produced by a series of systems: the cow- calf, backgrounding, and finishing. The producer has to follow sound management practices to be successful in producing beef cattle. Proper facilities and equipment are necessary for a beef cattle operation. Equipment varies from one operation to another but is needed in all beef production. Chapter 8 Introduction to Livestock and Companion Animals4