40-1 Infectious Disease 40-2 The Immune System 40-3 Immune System Disorders 40-4 The Environment and your health CH 40 The Immune System and Disease
40-1 Infectious Disease A Disease is any change, other than an injury, that disrupts the normal functions of the body Some Diseases are produced by agents, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi Ex-FLU Others are caused by materials in the environment Ex-Cigarettes The last type will be inherited by genetics Ex-Hemophilia
40-1 Infectious Disease Koch’s Postulates 1)Pathogen found in a sick organism, not in a healthy one 2)Pathogen will be isolated and grown in a lab 3) When injected, new host will have same symptoms as original host 4) The injected pathogen can be isolated from the second host Important most people believed disease came from curses, evils spirits, night vapors, Ideas about germs are called Germ Theory of Disease
40-1 Infectious Disease Some infectious diseases are spread from one person to another through coughing, sneezing, or physical contact Other infectious diseases are spread through contaminated water or food and also infected animals Animals that carry pathogens from person to person are called Vectors
40-1 Infectious Disease Antibiotics are compounds that kill bacteria without harming the cells of the human or animal hosts Over the counter drugs do not treat the cause of the infection, but only treat the symptoms such as cough, congestion and fever Pg 1035 (1-5)
40-2 The Immune System The function of the immune system is to fight infection through the production of cells that inactivate foreign substances or cells which is called Immunity
40-2 The Immune System Nonspecific Defenses First line of Defense- Most important out of all immunities Skin, mucus, saliva, tears (liquids contain lysozyme-enzyme kills Bacteria) Second line of Defense When pathogens enter the body, they multiply quickly releasing toxins into your system The inflammatory response is a nonspecific defense reaction to tissue damage caused by injury or infection If the infection become severe the body will release chemicals to increase body temperature or a Fever
40-2 The Immune System Specific Defenses The immune system that attacks a particular disease-causing agent- Immune Response The substance that is attacked is known as a Antigen The specific defense that attacks antigens and pathogens in the body fluid is the Humoral immunity Cell-Mediated Immunity is the specific defense that attacks abnormal cells and pathogens inside living cells
40-2 The Immune System Antibodies are proteins that recognize and bind to antigens The injection of a weakened form of a pathogen to produce immunity is known as a Vaccination The type of immunity produced by the body’s reaction to to a vaccine is known as Active Immunity (body makes antibodies) If antibodies produced produced by other animals against a pathogen are injected into the bloodstream, the antibodies produce a Passive immunity against the pathogen
40-2 The Immune System Pg 1042 (1-5)
40-3 Immune System Disorders The most common overreaction of the immune system to antigens are known as Allergies Ex-Pollen, Mold, Dust, Bee Stings Antigens attach to Mast Cells (specialized immune cells) which initiates an inflammatory response Activated Mast cells release chemicals called Histamines Histamines increase mucus, runny nose, watery eyes & sneezing Antihistamines reverse these reactions
40-3 Immune System Disorders Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease in which the air passages become narrower than normal Medication relaxes muscles in the airways When the immune system makes a mistake and attacks the body’s own cells, it produces an autoimmune disease Pg 1047 (1-5) Workbook Due Tomorrow
40-4 The Environment and Your Health A Risk Factor is anything that increases the chance of disease or injury Environmental factors that can affect your health include air and water quality, poisonous wastes in landfills, and exposure to solar radiation
40-4 The Environment and Your Health Cancer is a life-threatening disease in which cells multiply uncontrollably and destroy healthy tissue A single cell or a group of cells begin to grow and divide uncontrollably often resulting in the formation of a mass of growing tissue known as a Tumor Chemical compounds cause cancer by triggering mutations in the DNA of normal cells These chemical compounds are known as Carcinogens
40-4 The Environment and Your Health Healthful behaviors include Eating a healthful diet Get plenty of exercise and Rest Abstaining from harmful activities Having regular Checkups Pg 1054 (1-5) 75 Point Take at home Test- Due Monday (first 5 mins of class) All Questions Must be Copied & Answered Pg 1057 (1-10)-3 points each Pg 1059 (1-10)-3 points each Pg 1057 (#13,#19,#22 )-5 points each