Lesson 4
History/Setting Modern city of Izmir, Turkey Excellent harbor, extensive trade Temple for cult emperor worship of Tiberius Polycarp, the bishop of Smyrna, martyred in AD 156 Conflict between Jews and Christians
Revelation 2 The first and last One who was dead and has come to life Alive forevermore I have the keys to death and Hades (1:17-18) Rev. 1:5 Firstborn of the dead Col. 1:15-18 Firstborn of all creation and He holds creation together I Cor. 15 First fruits of those who are asleep which is the guarantee of more to come and the hope of resurrection for all who believe
Acts 2 It was God’s plan for Jesus to be killed and to be raised up again Hades: adou – the unseen world, realm in which all the dead reside, the present dwelling place of all the deceased/departed, grave, hell Zod. The departed spirits of the lost Hades, like death, will be thrown into the Lake of Fire Rev. 20:14 Luke 16 Rich man was in agony, in flames
I know your: Tribulation: thlipsis – pressing together Poverty: ptocheian – beggary, destitution, extreme and abject poverty Blasphemy/slander by the synagogue of Satan The Jews/unbelievers were under Satan’s control, hence, the synagogue of Satan John – fellow partaker in tribulation, kingdom and perseverance (Rev. 1:9)
John 15 & 2 Tim. 3 If the world hated Jesus, it will hate those who live for His glory I Pet. 2 Christ left us an example to follow I Pet. 1 It is the proof of your faith I Pet. 4 Do not be surprised that you share in the sufferings of Christ. You are blessed Heb. 2:10; 5:8 Jesus learned obedience from the things He suffered Heb. 10:36 Believers enduring persecution are doing God’s will
2 Tim. 1 Given a spirit of power, love and a sound mind, so you may endure 2 Cor. 1 The comfort in Christ is as abundant as the suffering Luke 12 Holy Spirit is with us. Rejoicing and thanksgiving are the attitudes which should accompany persecution, trials and suffering Rom. 8:29 Christians are being conformed into the image of Christ BY the suffering they endure
None You are rich, spiritually Matt. 6 2 Cor. 8:9
Don’t fear what you’re about to suffer Be faithful to death Ps. 56 When I am afraid I will trust in God The situation for the church at Smyrna wasn’t going to get any better, but worse I Thess. 3 Christians are destined for afflictions, some come by the tempter The devil was NOT gaining victory over them You will have tribulation for 10 days Some of you will be cast into prison
He who overcomes will not be hurt by the second death You may die in prison, but I will give you the crown of life How could He give them the crown of life? He is the One who has come to life, therefore He could give them the crown of life. I AM the way, the truth and the LIFE
I want to be like the church in Smyrna; no reproof I am rich spiritually which is better than being rich materially Suffering doesn’t mean God is displeased with me, it actually means the opposite Expect suffering, it is natural for the Christian I will NOT be hurt by the second death Jesus has a crown of life for me Jesus holds everything together. He knows