Getting the Facts: Getting Tested for HIV
Today We Will Talk About How you get HIV How you know if you have HIV Getting tested for HIV What to do if you have HIV
You Can NOT Get HIV From…
You Can Get HIV From… EVERYONE IS AT RISK! Sex without a condom (oral, anal, and vaginal) Mixing of blood or other intimate body fluids Sharing Needles Accidental needle sticks From mom to baby at child birth or in breast milk
Why Get Tested? The only way to know if you have HIV is to get tested You can have HIV and not feel sick If you are involved in risky behaviors like having sex without a condom or sharing needles
Why Get Tested? It’s important to know if you have HIV so you can take care of yourself and avoid passing HIV to others
Many people with HIV do not have symptoms, but if you have any of these problems you should consider getting tested: –Pneumonia or other serious infections like tuberculosis –Ongoing frequent minor infections like yeast infections or herpes outbreaks –Weight loss when you are not dieting Some Reasons to Get Tested
Get tested if you have any of these symptoms: –Swollen glands in your armpits or groin –Diarrhea that lasts for more than a week –White spots on your tongue, in your mouth or in your throat
Only a Test Can Tell You if You Have HIV Most people test positive 3 to 4 weeks after being infected. Testing positive means you carry the HIV virus –It can take up to 6 months after infection for the tests to show if you have HIV
Only a Test Can Tell You if You Have HIV I would like to get tested HIV tests may not be a part of your regular medical care –You must ask to be tested or give permission –Tests can be private, this is also known as confidential or anonymous
Where Can You Get Tested? To find a place to get tested: –Talk to your healthcare provider –Ask your local AIDS Service Organization (ASO) –Go to
HIV Tests and Results 20 minutes Test += Results HIV tests use your blood or saliva –Results can be ready in as little in 20 minutes If you test positive, a second test will be done to make sure the first test was right
If Your Test is Negative Great – but remember you may still be at risk Get tested again in 6 months –It can take up to 6 months to detect HIV in your body –So remember the importance of getting tested again if you think you are at risk
If Your Test is Negative Protect yourself and your partner(s) –Use condoms –Treat sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like genital warts and syphilis Don’t forget the risk factors – anyone can get HIV
If Your Test is Positive Knowledge = Better Health Don’t panic – Although learning that you have HIV can be a scary experience, a lot of people with HIV live normal and healthy lives with medical care Get the facts about HIV so you are in the know
If Your Test is Positive, Here’s What You Should Do Choose a provider you trust and can talk to –Your local ASO can help you find a healthcare provider and ways to afford your medicines –There are also many resources online Get support –Call your local AIDS Service Organization – they are there to help –Talk to someone you trust
If You Are Positive Keep a Healthy Lifestyle Talk to your healthcare provider about a healthy lifestyle –Avoid smoking and heavy drinking –Avoid recreational drug use –Eat well and exercise –Have a safe sexual lifestyle
If You Are Positive Stay Educated About HIV Have an understanding about HIV Learn about the benefits and risks of HIV medicines Get up to date on new medicines
Be Responsible – Don’t Pass on HIV Tell your partner(s) about your HIV Always use a condom Ask your healthcare provider about being tested for sexually transmitted diseases If you are bleeding or vomiting, ask those who help you to wear gloves Don’t share toothbrushes, razor blades, or other personal items that touch body fluids
Here’s What We Talked About Anyone can get HIV The only way to know if you have HIV is to get tested You can treat HIV but you cannot cure HIV Many resources are available for people with HIV and those who care for them –Your healthcare provider is a great resource
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