ENGLISH 10 – 10/26 (M) What are we doing? Introduction to argument Learning argument-specific vocabulary Taking notes on ethos/pathos/logos Why are we doing it? To learn how to structure an argument. To learn the language we will use this quarter. How do you know you got it? You understand the newly introduced terms What’s coming up? Haroun book checks Wednesday Final drafts of Q1 essay due tomorrow on and in class. Agenda (1) Journal (2) Argument notes (3) Article (4) Brainstorm
1.1: MYSTERY MONDAY Every day of his life, this fellow confronts danger, often finding himself facing the barrel of a gun. With keen acuity, he’s able to escape every time, sometimes by dodging bullets or romancing his foe, and always by poking fun at others. Who is this rascal and what is his favorite catchphrase? The clues: Though not a physician, he sometimes refers to his adversary as one. He usually lives underground.
ENGLISH 10 – 10/27 (T) What are we doing? Finishing argument info Reading an argumentative letter and identifying parts of it Why are we doing it? To identify parts of an argument How do you know you got it? You can identify claims and premises in the letter. What’s coming up? Buy Haroun Vocab test Thursday on argumentative terms Agenda (1) Journal (2) Finish PowerPoint (3) Begin reading letter
1.2: POPCORN ARGUMENTS First: Pick one of these five topics and write an argumentative outline for it. The best show on TV. The best kind of candy bar. Kanye for president Teaching sex-ed in elementary school Android vs. iPhone WRITE: Issue: Claim: Premises: Counter arguments `3.
ENGLISH 10 – 10/28 (W) What are we doing? Finishing “Indian Father’s Plea” Introduction to ethos/pathos/logos TED Talk Why are we doing it? To explore different ways to persuade How do you know you got it? You can identify the rhetorical appeals in the Indian Father’s Plea What’s coming up? Buy Haroun and the Sea of Stories Vocabulary quiz tomorrow Agenda (1) Journal (2) Quiz & Discussion (3) Pain index (4) Read article
1.3: RIGHT OR WRONG? Did the parents make the right choice? heaven-over-hospital-part-1/index.html
ENGLISH 10 – 10/29 (R) What : Continuing “An Indian Father’s Plea” Why: To analyze the argument and identify persuasive techniques How?: You can identify the parts of the argument. You can identify the rhetorical appeals in the letter. Due Today: Nothing Homework Buy Haroun (by 11/4) Finish the Indian Father’s Plea, annotating the rest of it for parts of an argument and ethos/pathos/logos (Due Wednesday)
1.4: RIGHT OR WRONG? Based on the news story below, did the parents make the right choice? Create a table that shows the issue, claim, three premises, and three counterarguments. heaven-over-hospital-part-1/index.html
1.1 Social Obligation Confirm or refute the following statement in a well-developed paragraph. Yes, that means complete sentences. Every entity, be it an organization or individual, has an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large. Social responsibility is a duty every individual has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems.
English 12H – 10/26 (M) What are we doing? – Introduction to Q2 theme – Short documentary clips & ethnical discussions Why are we doing it? – To introduce the Q2 theme of social obligation. – To navigate ethical dilemmas. How do you know you got it? – Quality of your group outline. – Discussion participation. What’s coming up? – The Things they Carried book check (physical copy only) tomorrow. – Outside reading book check 11/9.
Group Outlines Defend, challenge, or qualify the belief that it is morally justifiable to kill in combat Consider the following: What parameters (who, when, why, how) would you set around killing in wartime? How would your justification for taking human life apply to the issue of capital punishment? What is your position on killing in war? Explain your argument. Does your position change in response to certain wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, World War II, etc.)? If our country is attacked, how should we defend our families and ourselves?
English 12H – 10/27 (T) What are we doing? – TTTC book check – Social obligation discussion/clips – Group outlines Why are we doing it? – To explore the degree to which we have social obligations – To use brevity in writing How do you know you got it? – Discussion contribution – Group outline quality What’s coming up? – Style File #6
1.2 Syntax READ: He slowly ventured into the pond. The bottom was deep, soft clay, he sank in, and the water clasped dead cold round his legs. WRITE: 1.What effect does sentence length have on the passage? 2.Examine the second sentence. How does the structure of the sentence reinforce the meaning?
English 12H – 10/28 (W) What are we doing? – Finish and present argumentative outlines – Begin Sinco article, SOAPSTone Why are we doing it? – To create logical, compelling arguments. – To read for author’s purpose, style, and tone. How do you know you got it? – The quality of your argument – Your completed SOAPSTone What’s coming up? – Outside reading by 11/9 – Note: Alice in Wonderland includes Through the Looking Glass.
English 12H – 10/29 (R) What are we doing? – Style file #6: Brevity – Begin argument presentations Why are we doing it? – To create logical arguments and counterarguments How do you know you got it? – Quality of discussion and counterclaims What’s coming up? – Style File due Wednesday – Outside reading due 11/9