The Five Major World Religions Sample 1
Judaism Judaism began in the Middle East. It began over 3,800 years ago, around 1812 B.C. The people that practice Judaism are called Jews. Their sacred text is the Torah. They worship in Synagogues.
Judaism(continued) They believe that there is a single God, God created the universe, every Jew can have a relationship with God, God continues to work in the world, and that they keep God’s laws. Moses founded Judaism. Hanukkah- also known as the Jewish Festival of Lights, it begins on the 25 th day of Kislev and is celebrated for eight days. 13.1 million people in the world practice Judaism today. The symbol for Judaism(Magen David) -
Christianity Christianity began in Israel. It begain in about 30 A.D, or 2,000 years ago. The people that practice this religion are called Christians. Their sacred text is the Bible, Old and New Testaments. Christians worship in churches. Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, God sent his Son to earth to save humanity from its sin, that Jesus was fully human, Jesus was tortured and gave his life on the Cross, and Jesus’s Resurrection.
Christianity(continued) Jesus Christ founded Christianity. Christmas- Christians around the world celebrate Jesus’s birth. It is celebrated on December 25 th every year. Most Christians stay at home with their families on Christmas day. About 2 billion people in the world practice Christianity. Symbol for Christianity (Cross)-
Islam Islam began in Saudi Arabia. It began 1400 years ago. People that practice Islam are called Muslims. Their sacred text is the Qur’an. They worship in mosques. Muslims believe that there is only one god. They believe in angels. They also believe in the holy books. Muslims believe that there are Prophets. They also believe in the Day of Judgment.
Islam(continued) The prophet Muhammad was the founder of Islam. Ashura- This is a day of fasting. It marks the day Nuh left the Ark and the day the Musa was saved from Egyptians by Allah. Muslims use the day to commemorate the martyrdom of Hussein. Over a thousand million people practice this religion today. Symbol for Islam-
Hinduism Hinduism began in Northern India. It began 4000 years ago. People that practice this religion are called Hindus. Their sacred texts are the Vegas, the Upanishads, the Smrutis, Ramayana, Mahabharata, and the Puranas. They worship in Mandirs. Hindus believe in a god called Braham. They believe that there is a part of Braham in everyone, and this is called the Atman. They believe in reincarnation. They also believe that all forms of life have a soul. Hindus believe that Samsara is governed by Karma.
Hinduism(continued) Hinduism has no founder, it developed from Brahminism. Hanuman Jayanti- It is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Hanuman Ji, the monkey God on April 6 th. On this day, Hanuman Chalisa is recited. It can be celebrated individually or in a temple. Colorful precessions fill the streets during the day. 750 million people practice this religion today. Symbol for Hinduism (Aum)-
Buddhism Buddhism began in Northeast India. It began 2,500 years ago. People that practice Buddhism are called Buddhist. Their sacred text is the Tripitaka. They worship in temples or their home. Buddhists believe that Buddha saw the truth about what the world is like. They believe that nothing in the world is perfect. Buddhists also believe in reincarnation. They believe that Buddha was a human being that gained Enlightenment. They also believe in the Dharma.
Buddhism(continued) Siddhartha Gautama, also known as he Buddha, founded Buddhism. Wesak- This is the Buddha’s birthday. To some Buddhists, this holiday marks the Buddha’s enlightenment and death. It is celebrated on the full moon in May. The celebration of Wesak is a chance to remember the story of how the Buddha gained Enlightenment. Festivals are celebrated with much color and gaiety. 350 million peole practice this religion today. Symbol for Buddhism (the wheel of life)-