First Aid Soft Tissue Injuries Injuries to Extremities
Terminology Wound: any physical injury involving a break in the layers of the skin. Closed Wound: the outer layer of the skin is intact and the damage lies below the surface of the skin. Open Wound: outer layer of the skin is broken.
RICE R = Rest I = Immobilization C = Cold (Ice) E = Elevation
Closed Wounds Contusion (Bruise) Internal Bleeding Damage to soft tissue and vessels beneath the surface. Discoloration Red Violet Blue Due to: Severity Swelling Other fluids that leak into the area.
Care of Closed Wounds Most do not require special medical care. Self-Care 1. Direct Pressure 2. Elevation 3. Ice (Cold) minutes Make sure there is a barrier between the skin and the cold. Evaluate Maybe more extensive care must be taken.
Open Wounds 1. Abrasions – a scraping of the skin 2. Lacerations – a cut 3. Avulsions – skin and other soft tissue torn away 4. Punctures – pierced with object 5. Amputations – area cut off (Avulsions)
Care of Open Wounds Dressings and Bandages Dressings: directly on the wound Bandages: wrapping
Care of MINOR Open Wounds 1. Put on disposable gloves 2. Wash the wound 3. Place a sterile dressing on wound. 4. Apply direct pressure if needed to control bleeding. 5. After the bleeding stops – Replace the dressing with another clean dressing and antibiotic ointment.
Care of MAJOR open Wounds 1. Check, Call, Care 2. Put on disposable gloves 3. Control Bleeding 4. Monitor Breathing 5. Keep the victim warm 6. Reassure the victim everything will be OK 7. Wash Hands
How to control bleeding 1. Cover wound with dressing and apply pressure. 2. Elevate 3. Apply a pressure bandage 4. If blood soaks through – apply another one over top – do not take the first dressing off 5. Pressure Points
Other Cares Keep body parts cool and in a sealed bag if torn away from body Do not remove embedded objects Always wear gloves Always WASH HANDS
What if the injury is to the head, neck, or spine????
Burns Cover with dry, sterile, loose fitting dressing. See medical attention
Immobilizations - Splints 1. Soft Splints 2. Rigid Splints 3. Anatomical Splints 4. Commercial Splints 5. Slings
Care for Extremities 1. Wrist 2. Forearm (Radius & Ulna) 3. Upper arm (Humerus) 4. Shoulder (Clavicle & Scapula) 5. Fingers 6. Upper Leg (Femur) 7. Lower Leg (Tibia & Fibula) 8. Ankle 9. Foot
Signals of Serious Injury 1. Pain or Tenderness 2. Swelling 3. Discoloration 4. Deformity 5. Inability to move limb 6. Severe bleeding 7. Loss of sensation 8. A limb that is cold to the touch
Concussions Temporary impairment of brain function Signs: Loss of Consciousness Loss of Short Term Memory Not something to mess with