Tennis Summary of Tennis Score system Event terms
4 great tournaments Lawn-tennis nineteenth WTA/ATP ITF/ ILTF Summary of Tennis
Love Score system 15 (first point) 30 (second point) 40 (third point) Deuce advantage Set point Match point
Event Terms (1) game volley love deuce set match
Event Terms (2) Win 7 point baseline let ace Double- fault Foot- fault
Exercise 1. When the score reaches 40-all, how can a player win the game? 2. During the tiebreak game, what is the pattern of serving? 3. On what kind of occasions do the players change ends? And what is the purpose of doing so? 4. Describe the way to serve at a tennis game. 5. If the ball touches the net at the second attempt of a plaer’s serving, what will happen?