Reactor Design
تحت شعار العيد فرحة : الجمهور : طبعا النهاردة نص يوم علشان العيد خلص امبارح؟ أنا : لأ الجمهور : يعني النهاردة هناخد سكشن؟ أنا : ونص الجمهور : لييييييييييه؟ أنا : علشان مافيش وقت نضيعه الجمهور : طيب هو Reactor وللا Vessel ؟ وللا الاتنين؟ أنا : Gas phase reactions with change in number of moles الجمهور : Reactor وللا Vessel يعني؟ أنا :.....
For gas phase reactions without change in No. of moles, we can use concentration or no. of moles in calculating conversion.
While for gas phase reactions without change in No. of moles, we can use no. of moles only in calculating conversion.
The gaseous mixture is considered as an ideal gas that follows the ideal gas law: For Batch Process For Continuous Process As shown above, at constant temperature and pressure, any change in number of moles/molar flow rate will affect the volume/volumetric flow rate.
For batch reactor For continuous reactors
Batch Reactor
Plug Flow Reactor (PFR)
Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR)