Welcome to the Tree Finder Test
Required Trees 2010 Leaf and Tree Finder Pacific Northwest Trees List Common Tree NameCommon Family NameCommon Tree NameCommon Family Name Big Leaf MapleMaplePacific WillowWillow Bitter CherryRosePacific YewYew Black CottonwoodWillowPaper BirchBirch Black HawthornRosePonderosa PinePine Cascara BuckthornBuckthornQuaking AspenWillow Common ChokecherryRoseRed AlderBirch Douglas-firPineRocky Mountain JuniperCypress Grand FirPineScouler WillowWillow Incense-cedarCypressSitka SprucePine Lodgepole PinePineVine MapleMaple Noble FirPineWestern HemlockPine Oregon AshOliveWestern JuniperCypress Oregon White OakBeechWestern Mountain AshOlive Pacific Crab AppleRoseWestern Red CedarCypress Pacific dogwoodDogwoodWestern White PinePine Pacific MadroneHeathWhite AlderBirch You CAN use this as a reference.
1. What kind of tree did this leaf come from: a) Ash b) Maple c) Fir
2)What tree did these pinecones come from: a) Vine Maple b) Oak c) Ponderosa Pine
3)What type of tree is this from: a) Apple b) Chokeberry c) Cascara
4)What type of leave is this: a) Ash b) Elm c) Oak
5)What type of tree did this flower come from: a)Fir b) Alder c) Dogwood Extra credit for Common tree name.
6)What type of tree did these cones come from: a)Fir b) Spruce c) Pine Extra credit for common tree name.
7)What type of tree did this leaf come from: a) Alder b) Maple c) Ash
8)What type of tree did this come from: a) Noble Fir b) Douglas Fir c) Alder
9) What type of tree is this bark from: a) Yew b) Dogwood c) Madrone
10) What type of tree did this branch come from: a) Grand Fir b) Vine Maple c) Sitka Spruce
11)What type of tree did this come from: a) Willow b) Oak c) Cascara
12)Identify this leave: a) Vine Maple b) Bigleave Maple c) Scouler Willow
13)What common Washington State tree did this come from: a) Hemlock b) Fir c) Cedar
14)What Bushy tree did this branch come from: a) Cherry b) Cottonwood c) Juniper
15)What type of tree did this creamy white bark come from: a) Beech b) Aspen c) Oak
16) What type of tree did these little fruits come from: a) Rose b) Apple c) Olive
17) You should know that this tree has helped many cancer patients. What type of tree is it: a) Grand Fir b) Pacific Yew c) Western Red Cedar
18)What type of pine tree did these cone come from: a) Western White Pine b) Ponderosa Pine c) Lodgepole pine
19)What type of tree is this bark and Leaf from: a) Alder b) Cottonwood c) Spruce
20) Give the common tree name of this Alder