WARM UP “Do not look back and ask why, look forward and ask, why not?” 1.Write two or three sentences about what this means to you.
Plant Classification Biology II
Types of Plants Bryophytes – Nonvascular – Spores – Mosses
Types of Plants Ferns – Vascular – Spores – Whisk ferns Club mosses Horsetails Ferns
Types of Plants Gymnosperms – Vascular – Seeds Cones – Conifers Cycads Gingko Gnetophytes
Types of Plants Angiosperms – Vascular – Seeds Flowers
Taxonomy - Science of Classification Grouping based on similarity – Kingdom Phylum – Class » Order Family Genus Species
Binomial Nomenclature Carolus Linnaeus Organisms named with genus and species – Ursus americanus
Dichotomous Keys Step by step identification guide Choose one of two traits at each step – Doublets
Dichotomous Keys
Conifer Key Leaves/needles scale-like, more flattened………… ……………Go to 2 Leaves/needles very needle like, pointed……………………… ……………….…Go to 3 Leaves very flattened, smell when crushed, yellow-brown cones …. White Cedar Leaves make branches seem square, has blue-colored berries ….. Red Cedar Needles joined directly to the branch and not in bunches, single on branch… ….Go to 4 Needles joined to the branch in bunches ……….…… ….Go to 7 Needles bluish, sharp, smell bad when crushed. Cone with papery scales.…………….………..Blue Spruce Needles softer, more green in color…… ………………Go to 5 Needles short, about ½ inch long. Cones small and round……… ………….………..Black Spruce Needles longer than ½ inch… …………..Go to 6 Needles bunched on the top half of the branch, cones 2 inches and slender ………………….White Spruce Needles not bunched on the branch, cones very long and thin … ……Norway Spruce Needles in whorled bunches of 7 or more……………………………..…………………………………………..Tamarack Needles not as above…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Go to 8 Needles in bunches of 5… …………White Pine Needles in bunches of 2……… Red (Norway) Pine
WRAP UP List 3 categories you could use to key out the different types of shoes in the classroom.