What do you need for fishing? I need a bait,reel,and rod
What do you need for playing football? I need jersey,cleats and ball for basketball.
What do you need for swimming? I need swimming suit,snorkel,mask and flippers for swimming.
What do you need for playing tennis? I need racket and a yellow ball for basketball.
What do you need for cycling? I need helmet, bike and light for cycling
What do you need for skiing ? I need skis, poles and skii boots
What do you need for basketball ? I need jersey, basket ball, and hoop for playing basketball
next Ball& gloves
next Bat
next What do need for playing baseball? I need baseball,gloves and bat for playing baseball.
What do you need for diving ? We need,wet suit tank,snorkel, mask and flippers.
W e play soccer in the football pitch.
next Where do we play tennis? We play in the tennis court.
next How many players are there in each volleyball team? There are ten children in the pool. There are 6 players in each team
next How many players are there in each football team? There are ten children in the pool. There are 11 players in each team
next How many players are there in each basketball team? There are ten children in the pool. There are 5 players in each team
next When do you get score in basketball game? We get sore when we make basket.
next When do you get score in football game? We get score when we make goal.
next Where do we swim? We swim in the pool
next Are you good at sports? Yes,I’m / No,I’m not.