Control and supervision of forest reproductive material production and marketing in Latvia Arnis Gailis, State Forest Service, Forestry division
Legal basis Forest law 2000 The forest reproductive material regulations 2012
The State Forest Service is responsible for: approval the basic material; maintenance of basic material register; registering the suppliers of forest reproductive material; control and supervision the harvesting of forest reproductive material;
issuing the master certificates; control and supervision the production and marketing of forest reproductive material to ensure that lots of forest reproductive material remains clearly identified through the entire process from collection to marketing. The State Forest Service is responsible for:
Staff and organization of work S ince January we have : 1 senior expert in central office ; 5 regional inspectors.
Senior expert in Forestry division is responsible for: methodological support the regional inspectors; cooperation with Forest Department in Ministry of Agriculture in field of forest reproductive material; cooperation with European Commission and Member states in field of forest reproductive material;
Senior expert in Forestry division is responsible for: processing the statistical data about production and marketing of forest reproductive material; processing the Information documents for reproductive material moving between Member states; processing the summary of the national register of basic material.
Regional inspector is responsible for: approval the basic material; For the approval the basic material for categories “selected”, “qualified” and “tested” the owner must have scientifically legitimated statement from Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava” that basic material comply to minimum requirements for the approval to designated category.
Regional inspector is responsible for: approval the basic material; For the approval the seed orchards, parents of family(ies), clones and clonal mixtures for categories “qualified” and “tested” the owner also must have the characterization of identity of components of basic material to ensure the possibility to identify the reproductive material in any stage of production or marketing.
Regional inspector is responsible for: maintenance of basic material register; The basic material register is part of State Register of Forests.
Regional inspector is responsible for: registering the suppliers of forest reproductive material; The register of forest reproductive material suppliers also is the part of State Register of Forests.
Regional inspector is responsible for: control and supervision the harvesting of forest reproductive material; Supplier shall notify State Forest Service about starting and termination of intended collection at least two weeks before starting of collection.
Regional inspector is responsible for: issuing the master certificates; The regional inspector ensures that lots remains clearly identified through the entire process from collection to extraction by making regular inspections and issues the master certificate.
Regional inspector is responsible for: issuing the master certificates; We have a bit different system for providing the traceability of forest reproductive material during the production and marketing - i f the nature of reproductive material during the production is changed, then the inspector issue new master certificate before the marketing. In new certificate the previous certificate number is shown.
Regional inspector is responsible for: control and supervision the production and marketing of forest reproductive material to ensure that lots of forest reproductive material remains clearly identified through the entire process from collection to marketing ;
Regional inspector is responsible for: processing the seed samples from seed lots for testing; processing samples of reproductive material for testing the identity if necessarily; processing the information from suppliers about reproductive material moved to Member states.
Short statistical data about basic material: 400 units registered, 136 (categories “qualified” and “tested”) 51 seed orchard for pine (619 ha) 9 seed orchards for spruce (138 ha) 12 for other species
Short statistical data about production of forest reproductive material in 2014: 48 millions seedlings and plants for forest regeneration were produced, 38 millions of them were genetically high quality (categories “qualified” and “tested”).
Number of planting material delivered for forest regeneration in 2004 – 2014, millions pieces
Number of planting material delivered for forest regeneration, average annual for grouped by categories, millions pieces