Session1. Discrimination’s definition Discrimination consists in treating a person unfavourably on the grounds of: –age, gender, origin, disability or health condition, sexual orientation, political, union or religious views, etc. It is more than unequal / illegitimate treatment because unfavourable different treatment –needs to be illegitimate, AND –& based on a criterion that by law may not serve as the basis for distinguishing persons legally
Session1. Types of discrimination Direct discrimination = different treatment to persons in the same situation, based on a certain criterion Indirect discrimination = identical treatment to people in different situations – An arrangement or practice that appears “ neutral ” might actually entail disadvantages to persons who meet one or more criteria Legal discrimination discrimination in practice (or systemic discrimination)
Session1. Discrimination criteria It is prohibited to treat someone unfavourably based on criteria related to: – his or her being – i.e., gender, nationality, race or ethnic origin, handicap or age – – or behaviour – religion or sexual orientation Question: what are the main criteria of discrimination?
ILO Conv° N.111 European convention on HR Article 14 Treaty establishing the EC Article 13 International Covenant on E/S/C Rights Article 2 Charter of fundamental rights of EU Article 21 Race, ethnic origin Colour Sex Religion, convictions Political/other opinion National extraction Social origin Language National minority Property, fortune Birth Disability Age Sexual orientation Genetic features Criteria Source
Session1. Highlighting discrimination Question: how do you highlight direct and indirect discrimination?
Session1. Discovering or highlighting discrimination Intentional or explicit discrimination is rarely encountered Identifying unfavourable treatments –Question is: Would this person would have received the same treatment if he or she did not meet this criterion? Examining the practice/policy/law/system that produces the discrimination by focus-sing only on the effects that are produced –Question is: Does this system has a negative actual or potential effect on these people because of their meeting a certain criterion?