Tinyan Akin-Omoyajowo
Barking and Dagenham: Who are our customers ? 8th most deprived borough in London and ranks 9th among 354 authorities in England Among those of working age who are unemployed 44.5% lack any qualifications 4th lowest in England for literacy and 2nd lowest for numeracy Tinyan Akin-Omoyajowo
The national challenge: “ Companies are struggling to find skilled staff as thousands leave school with a poor grasp of the 3Rs. Low standards of literacy and numeracy among the young have left the economy exposed to competition from India and China”- Sir T. Leahy Paton G (2007): ‘Sir Terry Leahy criticises workers’ basic skills: The Telegraph, 13 th September Tinyan Akin-Omoyajowo
Our challenge - Too many learners with inadequate LLN skills for life or work Lack of interest/ poor attendance to programmes designed to help them improve or develop these skills Low level engagement in lessons Retention and achievement ( even in vocational areas) affected by low level LLN Frustrated tutors trying to do a job Tinyan Akin-Omoyajowo
Act 1 scene 1 … Before the research -what we did: 1 st year - vocational tutors taught, supported by the FS team 2 nd year - FS specialists taught Result 1st year - achievement low; most tutors struggled 2 nd year - poor attendance & behaviour; low achievement Tinyan Akin-Omoyajowo
The research…. The people we went to for answers: 260 learners filled questionnaires 50 learners interviewed – formal and informal (including those in the clip) 10 vocational and LLN tutor 3 workshops involving 3 vocational and 4 LLN specialists Tinyan Akin-Omoyajowo
Problems at point of entry Lessons.. boring, boring Timetabling issues Resources/ Qualification.. irrelevant not useful Developing skills or just more exams? Team work- what’s that? What the people said ….. Tinyan Akin-Omoyajowo
Our recommendations: Review : methods of ‘selling’ LLN to customers Timetabling system Work ethics among/ between staff - Explore collaborative practices systems of support for learners Tinyan Akin-Omoyajowo
THE STORY SO FAR… Supporting Learners Timetabling issues Presenting a united front Selling LLN Open days, initial interviews, course handbooks and induction Training; recruiting ambassadors- & VT enrolling for L2 quals ; collaboration Reviewing SoW, teaching, learning & support strategies Cross-college centralised timetable Tinyan Akin-Omoyajowo
Next steps: Advertise LLN on college website as part of main courses Encourage more tutors to buy into collaboration- look for ambassadors Promote LLN as part of main course during induction Monitor how recommendations are being carried out in the different curriculum areas Monitor effect of recommendations on teaching and learning experiences; attendance and retention Tinyan Akin-Omoyajowo
We would love your great ideas and suggestions Thank YOU!! Tinyan Akin-Omoyajowo