GABRIELLA CARROZZA & CSTEP What I was before, what I am today and what I do expect to be tomorrow Sesm scarl
::.. A few words about me ER – Gabriella Carrozza Working at SESM S.C.A.R.L. since September 2008; Doctor of Philosophy in Automation and Computer Engineering at University of Naples on 22 nd December 2008; Master Science Degree in Computer Engineering at University of Naples on 27 th Oct Main academic research interestsMain industrial activities Software fault injection and diagnosis techniques Project coordinator of FP7 CA and PoC for ARTEMIS projects Field failure data analysis for charcterization and improvement of complex systems dependability Project Manager and Technical Leader of two SESAR projects focusing on supervision systems in ATC/AIRPORT domains Operating systems detection mechanisms and techniques V&V team leader
[2] ::.. The beginning of the story It was January 2010 I really had no idea of what this project might bring to me Sleepless nights thinking to what to expect …many trips …the DoCs, the contracts, burocracy
[3] ::.. The beginning of the story The KO came Many ideas to share Nice guys … could rest well again
P LENARY M EETING [4] ::.. First year Looking at the world around State of the art on software fault injection dependability benchmarking & robustness testing Thinking at something novel JAVA Fault Injection tool DDS robustness evaluation strategies Linking Academia and Industry through real world case studies
[5] ::.. First year Something that I completely ignored before Threat Modeling Intrusion detection systems for DBMS Security benchmarking
[6] ::.. First year Travelling Enjoyed 3 weeks in Coimbra Nice people Nice food Staying in shape
[7] ::.. In the middle of the story Time is passing and More and more ideas to share Nice guys are great friends … new people joining … dreaming to following up!
[8] ::.. In the middle of the story…who I am My background is getting stronger and stronger New skills are consolidating Tools development and novel methodologies definition Improving oral and written English abilities (A few words of) Portuguese language ;) Strengthening my European identity Publication lists is getting longer A. Bovenzi, S. Celentano, C. Esposito, G. Carrozza, A. Napolitano and A. Strano, “Automatic Robustness Evaluation of DDS Compliant Middleware”, OMG Workshop on Distributed Object Computing for Real-time and Embedded Systems, 22nd-24th March 2001 (Speaker). A. Napolitano, G. Carrozza, N. Laranjeiro, and M. Viera, “WSRTesting: Hands-on Solution to Improve Web Services Robustness Testing”, Proc. of 4th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC), A. Napolitano, G. Carrozza, A. Bovenzi and C. Esposito, “Automatic Robustness Assessment of DDS- Compliant Middleware”, accepted to be presented at the industrial track of the 17th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2011).
[9] ::.. Looking to the next future Can’t live without going to Portugal once in a while ;) Human relations will be the key to get the most of the time remaining Good and tight-knit team to go far Keeping transfer of knowledge ….it will let me be a better researcher and a better woman Hope to bring some innovation into my company Hope not only to get but also to give