Welcome at 36 th EUGridPMA meeting January 2016 Bratislava Ladislav Hluchý, Miroslav Dobrucký, Ján Astaloš Venue: Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences Founded in 1956 as Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 7 research groups 67 full-time academic staff 6 technical and 6 administrative staff 10 PhD students
Dinner on Monday You are invited to the restaurant “Bratislava Flagship Restaurant” adress: Námestie SNP No.8 ( Please be there at 19:30 When entering the restaurant, mention “Institute of Informatics”
Meeting will be held in room No.102 Doors open at 8:30 Coffee/tea breaks are held in the meeting room Lunches are in the canteen in the next building You will choose main meal and its side dish ~2 hours in advance We will host Monday dinner: “Bratislava Flagship Restaurant” in the city downtown Tuesday dinner (no host) restaurant – update: “Patronsky pivovar” at 18:30 (very close to the hotel Max Inn, opposite side of the main road) Wifi SSID=EUGridPMA36, pw= Meeting Logistics/Breaks
Dinner on Tuesday You are invited to the restaurant “Patronsky pivovar” adress: Brnianska 57 ( Please be there at 18:30 When entering the restaurant, mention “Institute of Informatics” pedestrian crossings with traffic lights