Council Presentation January 2014 Lauzon Parkway Improvements Class Environmental Assessment Study County of Essex
Lauzon Parkway 2January 2014 PRESENTATION ITEMS Study Overview & Process Need & Justification Recommended Plan Consultation Next Steps
Lauzon Parkway 3January 2014 THE STUDY IS PART OF LGWEM STRATEGY Core Team includes the three proponents Project Team also includes towns of Lakeshore and Tecumseh Following the Municipal Class EA process, and will also meet the basic requirements of the MTO Class EA process
Lauzon Parkway 4January 2014 STUDY AREA
Lauzon Parkway 5January 2014 STUDY COMPONENTS Part A – Lauzon Parkway ‒ Improvements & Extension from E.C. Row Expressway (City) to Highway 3 (County) Part B – County Road 42 ‒ Improvements from Walker Road (City) to County Road 25 (County) Part C – East-West Arterial ‒ Proposed roadway from Walker Road to 10 th Concession Road / County Road 17 (City) Parallel Studies The Sandwich South Secondary Plan Study (Draft) is being carried out in parallel with EA Study, for the remainder of the lands transferred to the City of Windsor in “The goals of Sandwich South Secondary Plan are to develop an attractive modern urban gateway to the City of Windsor and create a welcoming business climate by providing clear direction to those wishing to invest in Sandwich South area. At the February 11, 2013 meeting of the City's Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee, it was decided to defer the consideration of the Sandwich South Secondary Plan. The Plan will be considered again following the completion and approval of the Lauzon Parkway Environmental Assessment." Concurrently, the Upper Little River (ULR) Watershed Master Drainage and Stormwater Management Plan is being undertaken by the ERCA with the City of Windsor and Town of Tecumseh, to service existing and future development.
Lauzon Parkway 6January 2014 STUDY PROCESS This study follows the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act through the application of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.
Lauzon Parkway 7January 2014 CONSULTATION PIC 1 held July 14, 2011 ~ 80 people attended & 21 written comments ‒ Held concurrently with Secondary Plan Public Workshop 2 PIC 2 held Oct 22, 2012 ~ 160 people attended & 34 written comments ‒ Held concurrently with ULR SWM PIC 2 and Secondary Plan Public Workshop 3 Additional meetings held with key stakeholders throughout study Key comments and questions: ‒ Property impacts, acquisition process, and timing of acquisition ‒ Timing & cost of development and transportation improvements ‒ Potential for increases in truck traffic and noise on CR 42 ‒ CR 42 & Shiff Drive – concerns for pedestrian safety & difficulty for vehicles turning onto CR 42 ‒ Oppose restricting 7 th Concession to RIRO, prefer roundabout with direct access to Walker Road ‒ Oppose WCF access as shown on E-W Arterial Plan, need 2 accesses
Lauzon Parkway 8January 2014 Future projected growth in the City and the County will result in further demand on the existing road network Existing Transportation Network needs to be Improved Congestion on existing road network during peak periods Congestion will worsen as a result of the future Sandwich South development Opportunity to support economic development and establish new gateway, improving access for residents and businesses in east Windsor and neighbouring municipalities
Lauzon Parkway 9January 2014 LAUZON PARKWAY EXTENSION
Lauzon Parkway 10January 2014 Lauzon Parkway Recommended Plan – Key Features 4-Lane Class I Arterial (6-Lane Ultimate from E.C. Row Expressway to Highway 401) Improvements to E.C. Row Expressway Interchange New Highway 401 Interchange – Teardrop Roundabout (long-term protection for future Parclo A4) New intersection with Highway 3 Multi-use trail & sidewalks integrated in corridor with connections to the existing and proposed expansions to the Bicycle Use Master Plan and County Wide Active Transportation Plan networks including an Active Transportation Bridge over Highway 401.
Lauzon Parkway 11January 2014 Lauzon Parkway – City of Windsor E.C. Row Expressway to County Road 42 4-Lane Class I Arterial (6-Lane Ultimate) – Posted speed - 70 km/h in City ‒ 50 m wide right-of-way (ROW) / urban cross-section with 6m median Follows existing alignment south of E.C. Row Expressway with slight westerly realignment from Little River to CR 42 Improvement to Forest Glade Dr / Quality Way Intersection Improvements to E.C. Row Expressway Interchange
Lauzon Parkway 12January 2014 Lauzon Parkway – City of Windsor County Road 42 to Highway Lane Class I Arterial (6-Lane Ultimate) – Posted speed - 70 km/h in City ‒ 50 m wide right-of-way (ROW) / urban cross-section with 6m median South of CR 42 swings westerly in a new corridor following the east boundary of the Little River Corridor New interim roundabout gateway feature with future E-W Arterial Intersection New Highway 401 Interchange – Teardrop Roundabout (long-term future Parclo A4)
Lauzon Parkway 13January 2014 Lauzon Parkway – County of Essex Highway 401 to Highway 3 4-Lane controlled access rural arterial – Posted speed - 80 km/h in County ‒ 50 m wide right-of-way (ROW) / rural cross-section with 1.0m flush median South of Highway 401 follows the mid-lot lines to CR 46 and existing Sexton Sideroad to Highway 3 New Highway 401 Interchange – Teardrop Roundabout (long-term future Parclo A4) Improvements to County Road 46 intersection New Highway 3 Intersection with short realignment of existing Sexton Sideroad to the south of Highway 3
Lauzon Parkway 14January 2014 COUNTY ROAD 42
Lauzon Parkway 15January 2014 County Road 42 – City of Windsor Recommended Plan – Key Features Recommend consistent naming convention for Cabana Road East from Dougall Ave to East City Limits (160 m east of Lauzon Road) 4-Lane City Class II Arterial, posted speed 60 km/h A “best-fit” widening – varies 32 m to 44 m right-of-way (ROW) Roundabout Intersections at: ‒ 7 th Concession Road (incorporating Baseline Road connection) ‒ 8 th Concession Road / access to Airport lands ‒ 9 th Concession Road / future access to Airport lands Re-aligned signalized intersection with Lauzon Parkway including gateway feature ‒ Increased separation to 10 th Concession Road / CR 17 future right-in/right-out Future signalized intersection at Lauzon Road with a south leg for future roadway for Sandwich South development Active Transportation including network connections where proposed or available: ‒ Buffered Bike Lanes / Multi-use Trail on north side / Sidewalks on the south side
Lauzon Parkway 16January 2014 CR42 – City of Windsor Walker Road to City/County Boundary
Lauzon Parkway 17January 2014 CR42 – City of Windsor / County of Essex Lauzon Road to CR 43 (Banwell Road) Two-way left turn lane from Lauzon Road to City/County Boundary and continues to future roundabout at CR 43 (Banwell Road) Recommend Boundary Adjustment from 150 m east of Lauzon Road to CR 43 (Banwell Road) to maintain straight road alignment and minimize property impacts 6 m easement on the north side of CR 42 from 150 m east of Lauzon Road to CR 43 (Banwell Road) for future sanitary service to City of Windsor residents
Lauzon Parkway 18January 2014 County Road 42 – County of Essex Recommended Plan – Key Features CR 43 (BANWELL ROAD) TO CR 19 (MANNING ROAD) - TECUMSEH Consideration of context sensitive design (CSD) through Tecumseh Hamlet 4-Lane County Arterial Road, posted speed 60 km/h A “best-fit” widening – varies 30 m to 35 m right-of-way (ROW) Narrowed right-of-way Shiff Drive to St. Alphonse to minimize property impacts Roundabout Intersections at: ‒ CR 43 coordinated with CR 43 EA proposed improvements and realignment ‒ CR 19 coordinated with CR 19 EA proposed improvements Active Transportation including network connections where proposed or available: ‒ Buffered Bike Lanes / Sidewalks on north and south sides
Lauzon Parkway 19January 2014 CR 42 – County of Essex City/County Boundary to CR 19 (Manning Road) a
Lauzon Parkway 20January 2014 County Road 42 – County of Essex Recommended Plan – Key Features CR 19 (MANNING ROAD) TO CR 25 (PUCE ROAD) - LAKESHORE 4-Lane County Arterial Road, posted speed 80 km/h Widening to the north - 38 m right-of-way (ROW) Narrowed right-of-way in short sections to avoid / minimize property impacts Roundabout Intersections at: ‒ Patillo Road ‒ CR 25 (Puce Road) Active Transportation including network connections where proposed or available: ‒ Buffered Paved Shoulders
Lauzon Parkway 21January 2014 CR 42 – County of Essex CR 19 (Manning Road) to CR 25 (Puce Road)
Lauzon Parkway 22January 2014 EAST-WEST ARTERIAL
Lauzon Parkway 23January 2014 E-W Arterial Recommended Plan – Key Features 2-Lane Class II Arterial (protecting for long-term 4-lanes) ‒ 42 m wide right-of-way (ROW) ‒ Posted speed 60 km/h New intersection with Walker Road/Legacy Drive Right-in/Right-out 7 th Concession Road and improved access via roundabout 180 m to the east New roundabouts intersecting with: ‒ 8 th Concession / 9 th Concession / 10 th Concession/CR 17 ‒ Lauzon Parkway (future gateway feature) Active Transportation along the corridor including network connections where proposed or available: ‒ Buffered Bike Lanes ‒ Multi-use Trail on the north side ‒ Sidewalks on the South Side
Lauzon Parkway 24January 2014 E-W Arterial Walker Road to 10 th Concession Rd/ CR 17
Lauzon Parkway 25January 2014 Active Transportation Overall Study Area Active Transportation Plan
Lauzon Parkway 26January 2014 PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES (2013 $M) Lauzon Parkway City of Windsor Interim Build 4 Lanes (2021) - Forest Glade Drive to Hwy 401 $36.3 City of Windsor Ultimate Widen from 4 to 6 Lanes (2031) - Forest Glade Drive to Hwy 401 $7.2 Highway 401 Teardrop Roundabout Interchange (2021) $25.3 Active Transportation Bridge Over Highway 401 $5.5 Highway 401 to Highway 3 (County of Essex) Build 4 Lanes (2021) $9.0 Lauzon Parkway Sub-Total (M)$83.3 County Road 42 City of Windsor Widen from 2 to 4 Lanes (2021) - Walker Road to City/County Boundary $25.7 County of Essex Widen from 2 to 4 Lanes (2021) - City/County Boundary to CR 19 $25.8 County of Essex Widen from 2 to 4 Lanes (2031) – CR 19 to CR 25 $16.7 County Road 42 Sub-Total (M)$68.2 E-W Arterial Walker Road to County Road 17 (City of Windsor) Build New 2-Lane Road (2031) $18.1 E-W Arterial Sub-Total (M)$18.1 Project Total (M)$169.6 ** Does not include property acquisition, utility relocation, new municipal services (i.e., sanitary sewers, watermains), new hydro distribution.
Lauzon Parkway 27January 2014 Implementation and Phasing
Lauzon Parkway 28January 2014 NEXT STEPS Environmental Study Report (ESR) ‒ Filing for 45-day Public Review Period January 20, 2014 Notice of Study Completion ‒ Letters & Newspaper Ads beginning January 15, 2014 Available for viewing: ‒ Study website: ‒ Review locations: Windsor Clerk’s Office County of Essex Towns of Tecumseh & Lakeshore Ministry of Transportation Windsor Office Ministry of Environment Windsor Area Office
Lauzon Parkway 29January 2014 Thank You! Questions?