John Bigham
Taught Network Programming to Telecoms and E-Commerce Information Systems Management to E-Commerce Middleware to IOT Have developed Web Applications + Phone Apps Apps E.g. for Anaesthetists - around 3000 downloads 180RMB ! Developing an App for the Royal College of Intensive Care Software to track people indoors Worked on distributed and cooperative algorithms, wireless networks and reasoning under uncertainty Interested in projects Machine to Machine communications, Web & Phone Applications, Distributed Systems, Home Automation, Artificial Intelligence All working together Particularly applied to health care
Design of voice interaction is different from other forms of interaction Tools : Google Home or Amazon Echo In the home as a support for depressed people patients in rehabilitation Managing their assigned goals Assisting in identification of activities Interacting with motivational and other supportive Apps Help from a psychiatrist available Other applications of interest also
Build on work of a previous student Move forward to develop and use of location based information to support and encourage depressed people Help from a psychiatrist available Server : Raspberry pi : Beacon equipment
Long Range low energy communication No GSM/3G/4G, No WiFiLow bandwidth commication No electricity Little sun Want to communicate over a long distance Use Pis or Arduinos + e.g. XRF Build, and experiment on distance, battery life and reliability 5
Use of neuro-evolution to support learning of behaviours E.g. association of oral commands or comments to agreed goals and services Build a teaching aid for Anaesthetists Various standard but infrequent procedures Support from a consultant anaesthetist in design and data On phone Use of embedded publish subscribe technology to allow one to many and many to many communications E.g. Embedded in an app for depression Of course listen to your ideas in building up a project proposal