Evaluating New York GreenLITES for CDOT Projects Carrie Wallis-ATKINS Art Hirsch-TerraLogic July 12, 2011 Presentation to Colorado Department of Transportation.


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Presentation transcript:

Evaluating New York GreenLITES for CDOT Projects Carrie Wallis-ATKINS Art Hirsch-TerraLogic July 12, 2011 Presentation to Colorado Department of Transportation Environmental Programs Branch

NYSDOT GreenLITES Overview Green (Leadership In Transportation and Environmental Sustainability) Internal Self Certification Program Goals –Protect and enhance the environment –Conserve energy –Preserve-enhance historic/scenic/aesthetics –Encourage public involvement in planning –Support Smart Growth –Encourage innovation in sustainable design

CDOT GreenLITES Pilot Project CDOT Project Goals –Evaluate GreenLITES scoring process on CDOT projects (baseline/test case) –Evaluate other DOT sustainability programs and provide recommendations for potential CDOT program implementation –Develop Efficiency Factors for the key GreenLITES categories

Edwards Interchange

Eagle Interchange

NYDOT-CDOT GreenLITES Scoring Criteria 1. Sustainable Sites- Focus on the setting of the project; measures which can protect and enhance the landscapes ability to regulate climate, provide cleaner air and water and improve quality of life –Alignment Selection –Context Sensitive –Land Use/Community Planning –Protect, Enhance, Restore Wildlife –Protect and Mitigate Tree and Plant Impacts # Criteria=56 Maximum Points=82

NYDOT-CDOT GreenLITES Scoring Criteria 2. Water Quality-protect the State’s water bodies by improving water quality and reducing stormwater runoff; achieved by using BMPs and designs that treat stormwater quality and quantity. –Stormwater management (volume/quality) –Reduce runoff and pollutants using BMPs # Criteria=13 Maximum Points=21

NYDOT-CDOT GreenLITES Scoring Criteria 3. Material Resources-encourages reducing waste by reusing and recycling materials in beneficial ways. Local materials would be used to the greatest extent possible to minimize haul distances. –Reuse of Materials –Recycling Content –Locally Provided Materials –Bioengineering Techniques –Waste Material Minimization # Criteria=39 Maximum Points=66

NYDOT-CDOT GreenLITES Scoring Criteria 4. Energy and Atmosphere-reduce the climate change by increasing energy conservation and efficiency, promotes air quality improvements, encourages car pooling, mass transit and non-motorized transportation –Improved traffic flow –Reduce electrical and petroleum consumption –Improve bicycle/pedestrian facilities –Noise abatement –Stray light reduction # Criteria=68 Maximum Points=102

NYDOT-CDOT GreenLITES Scoring Criteria 5. Innovation-credits that significantly build upon GreenLITES categories and objectives or incorporate significant innovations not previously been utilized on projects Maximum Points=4 Total # Criteria=176 Total Possible Points=275

NYDOT-CDOT GreenLITES Certification Levels Certified (15-29 points) Silver (30-44 points) Gold (45-59 points) Evergreen (60 points and beyond)


Efficiency Factors-Criteria Category – Sustainable Sites Alignment selection Context sensitive solutions (CSS) Land use-community planning Protect enhance or restore wildlife habitat Protect plants or mitigate for removal of trees and plant communities Category–Water Quality Stormwater management (volume and quality )

Efficiency Factors-Criteria Category–Materials and Resources Reuse of Materials –Sub-base –Top soil –Structural material –Asphalt types Category–Energy and Atmosphere Improve Traffic Flow (roundabouts) Reduce Electrical Consumption (solar) Reduce Petroleum Consumption (reduce mowing area) Improve Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities (new grade-separated) Noise Abatement (traffic system management techniques)

Scoring Process Discussions and Observations Interactive collaborative scoring Some criteria not applicable for interchanges and other types of projects 4 to 1.25 hours for project scoring Scoring team did not review scoring criteria or pre- score before meetings Project Manager was the focus of the scoring activities Combine scoping meeting with initial scoring meeting Contractor makes decision about recycling/reuse Constraints in using local materials Cost justification versus sustainable actions Inconsistent scoring members

Team Discussion and Observations Some criteria does not fit Colorado Some criteria not applicable for interchanges –Needs to accounted for in final scoring Too much criteria to score and some criteria redundant Consolidate criteria to reduce number Definition of terms and criteria needed for consistent evaluation and understanding Town of Eagle had an influence in scoring Inconsistent scoring team members Scoring criteria not used as a reference tool Increased Project Manager awareness

Conceptual CDOT Sustainable Design Program Elements 1.Obtain CDOT Management Support 2.Identify an overall Program Manager 3.Develop new criteria for Colorado Basic sustainability requirements Specific project type requirements 4.Develop a scoring, certification and recognition system 5.Sustainability program training 6.Project Manager driving force 7.Initial sustainability scoring at scoping or kick off meeting 8.Use as a reference tool throughout project 9.Formal and informal scoring 10.Final design approval by CDOT engineering management 11.Verification

Carrie Wallis ATKINS Art Hirsch TerraLogic Sustainable Solutions /