CENTIPEDE GRASS Alex Weason 3 rd Landscaping
It spreads by stolons and has a coarse texture with short upright stems that grow to about 3-5 inches.
COLOR The Centipede Grass is a warm season, thick sod forming, uniform growing, and medium to light green colored grass.
BEST SOIL CONDITIONS Centipede is not like other lawn grasses. It has unusual fertility requirements and is not well suited to alkaline coastal soils. Most turf grasses require a soil pH near or slightly above 6.0. They tolerate high levels of nutrients and benefit from multiple applications of nitrogen during the growing season. Under conditions such as these, centipede grass will not grow vigorously. On basic soils, centipede grass becomes iron deficient and turns light yellow or pale green. Even if the soil contains an adequate amount of iron, the plants are unable to use it. Since the iron deficiency is due to the high pH, adding iron to the soil will not solve the problem.
Climate Centipede will grow in light dappled shade, but it grows most vigorously in almost-full or full sun. A strong centipede lawn will survive periodic droughts, but it will be more resistant to pests and other problems if you water it during dry spells. Centipede grass seeds are mature at the end of October in southeastern Alabama. Centipede grass seed is produced in north Florida and south Georgia from mid- June until late October.
USES FOR CENTIPEDE GRASS Good general purpose grass for lawns Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages- Centipede grass is a low-maintenance grass used for limited wear areas such as industrial sites, roadsides, and other utility areas in the southeastern United States Centipede grass has been considered drought tolerant. Disadvantages- Centipede is rather pricey and has a very picky soil habitat.
Ways Of Purchasing Centipede Grass is bought by seeds in bags of 1 lb 4lbs 5lbs 25lbs and 50lbs. Seeds may be coated or uncoated.
PRICES FOR CENTIPEDE GRASS Prices Vary 1lb bags- $20.00 to $ lb bags- $95.00 to $ lb bags- $ to $ lb bags- $ to $900.00