Stephen Wood DVCS meeting November 12, 2012
OUTLINE Brief Hall C Overview 6 GeV 12 GeV Examples of pi0 and photon detection in Hall C Potential pi0 and photon detectors L/T separations in Hall C Approved 12 GeV experiments and early schedule Hall C resources
“6 GeV” Hall C Base Facility Two Magnetic Spectrometers Momentum resolution < 0.1% Angular resolution ~ 2 mrad Solid angle ~6.5 msr e, , K, p particle ID High Momentum Spectrometer Superconducting magnets P 7.5 GeV/c Momentum bite – 20% Short Orbit Spectrometer P 1.75 GeV/c Momentum bite – 40% Moller beam polarimeter LH 2, LD 2, 3 He, 4 He, solid targets Polarized H, D SOS HMS
Hall C Large Installations Hall C has installed user and Jlab supplied detectors and equipment for specific experiments: Deuteron channel and polarimeter (T20) NH 3, ND 3 Polarized target (GeN, spin structure functions) Neutron polarimeter (GeN) Superconducting toroid and detectors (G0 parity experiment) Custom electron and kaon spectrometers (Hypernuclear program) Big Calorimeter, proton polarimeter (GeP, spin structure functions) High power cryotargets (Qweak) Qweak Experiment
Hall C Physics A(e,e’ ) Form Factors Nucleon: GeN, GeP Strange quark contributions Deuteron: T20 Pion: F Baryon transition form factors Nucleon Structure Functions Unpolarized p(e,e), d(e,e) Duality, high X Semi-inclusive p,d(e,e ) Polarized structure functions g 1, g 2 on polarized p, d Nuclear structure/effects Hypernuclear structure EMC effect x>1 – high momentum in nuclei Pion and proton transparency (attenuation) in nuclei
Hall C after 12 GeV Upgrade Beam Energy: 2 – 11 GeV/c Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) –Horizontal Bender, 3 Quads, Dipole –P 11 GeV/c –dP/P 0.5 – 1.0x10 -3 –Acceptance: 4msr, 30% –5.5 < < 40 –Good e - / - e + / + /K + /p PID High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS) –P 7.5 GeV/c –dP/P 0.5 – 1.0x10 -3 –Acceptance: 6.5msr, 18% –10.5 < < 90 –Good e - / - e + / + /K + /p PID Minimum opening angle: 17 Well shielded detector huts 2 beamline polarimeters Ideal facility for: –Rosenbluth (L/T) separations –Exclusive reactions –Low cross sections (neutrino level)
HMSSHMS 12 horizontal-drift chamber planes 4 Planes of segmented scintillator (one plane quartz bar in SHMS) Gas Threshold Cerenkov detectors Aerogel Cerenkov detector Lead Glass Shower Counter Similar HMS-SHMS detector packages Slide 7
12 GeV Hall C Physics Exclusive reactions and form factors Neutron Electric Form Factor d(e,ep) Pion Form Factor Factorization of exclusive p(e,e ), p(e,eK), Kaon FF? Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering p,d(e, e ) Quark transverse momentum distributions Charge symmetry of parton distributions – u p (x) = d n (x) ? Nucleon Structure Functions – Inclusive (e,e) Unpolarized structure functions, high x Neutron spin-structure functions (polarized 3He) Nuclear Effects Nuclear transparency, A(e,ep), A(e,e ) EMC effect x>1(Short Range Correlations, Superfast quarks) 4 He(e,e’p) Slide 8
Examples of 0 and photon detection in Hall C
121.8cm 217.6cm 249.4cm Open distance HMS BigCal Beam line P γ θpθp θ 12 γ Target chamber Kinematics of π° production π° will decay into 2γ(fraction %) right after its production if one of the two γs with energy > E’/2 hits BigCal, a trigger will form and be recorded. The minimum open angle between two γs is determined by the energy of π°, in some of kinematics we can measure both γs. E1E1 E2E2
π° event identification with two clusters found in BigCal Event distribution: Q 2 = 8.5 GeV 2 Φ is the angle between measured cluster position and HMS predicted π° position in the following coordinate system. π° γ2γ2 γ1γ1 φ1φ1 φ2φ2 Target BigCal
E07-002: Polarization transfer in Wide Angle Compton Scattering Very clean data Calibration to elastic e- p polarization data taken parallel to WACS Expected small systematic uncertainty Result favors CQM e-e-
Potential future 0 and photon detection in Hall C Slide 13
Proposed neutrals ( e.g. 0 / ) detector facility in Hall C R SIDIS R DIS disappears with Q 2 ! Desire to augment spectrometers with capability for precision measurements with neutral final states. (L/T separations) p(e,e 0 ) exclusive and semi-inclusive L/T separated cross sections (PR ) p(e,e ) DVCS (separation of twist-2 and twist-3 contributions) Remove SHMS HB magnet, install 0.3 Tm sweeping magnet (copy features of HB to minimize stray field on beam) Add 25 msr 0 / detector using 1116 PbWO 4 blocks (with temperature-controlled frame) (PbWO 4 from Shanghai Institute of Ceramics) Dedicated beam pipe with large critical angle + shielding HMS target Beam direction
e’ Chamber Calorimeter HMS SHMS Jpsi Top View SHMS Utility Deck J/ Calorimeter
Scattering Chamber Calorimeter Target Post SHMS Bender SHMS Utility Deck J/ Calorimeter
Hall C L/T Separations σ < 1.8% - as estimated… Typical and unique Hall C use: σ L - σ T separation Measure σ at several with fixed Q 2 Control point to point errors to < 2% Control tracking/PID uncertainty to < 1% over wide range of rates
12 GeV L/T separation Experiments with L/T Separation E – Pion Form Factor E – R in semi-inclusive DIS E – Scaling in exclusive (charged) Pion production E – Scaling in exclusive Kaon production E – Nucleon structure functions ~1/3 of approved beam time Unique capability in the 12 GeV Era Natural to augment L/T capability with neutron pion/gamma detector. E12-Pion scaling Kaon scaling F2 a bit Sidis Fpi Bullets: A photon/pi0 detector fits with Hall C hardware strengths and physics program. “could” be used starting 2019/20. Low cost facility addition to assure healthy program to Modest resources can be applied to support detector development, test runs in Hall
Approved 12 GeV Hall C proposals 1 Title DaysGrade Measurement of the Charged Pion Form Factor to High Q 2 (E ) Spokespersons: G.M. Huber ), D. Gaskell 52A Measurement of the Ratio R = σ L /σ T in Semi-Inclusive DIS (E ) Spokespersons: R. Ent, Mkrtchyan 40A- Inclusive Scattering from Nuclei at x > 1 in the quasielastic and deeply inelastic regimes. (E ) Spokespersons: J. Arrington D. Day 32A- The Search for Color Transparency at 12 GeV (E ) Spokespersons: D. Dutta R. Ent 26B+ Measurement of Neutron Spin Asymmetry A 1n in the Valence Quark Region Using an 11 GeV Beam and a Polarized 3 He Target in Hall C (E ) Spokespersons: J.-P. Chen, X. Zheng Z. E. Meziani, G. D. Cates 36A Neutron g 2 and d 2 at High Q 2 in Hall C (E ) Spokespersons: B. Sawatzky W. Korsch, Z.-E. Meziani, T. Averett 29A- Scaling Study of the L-T Separated Pion Electroproduction Cross Section at 11 GeV (E ) Spokespersons:. T. Horn G.Huber 36A- Charge Symmetry Violating Quark Distributions via Precise Measurement of pi+/pi- Ratios in Semi inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering (E ) Spokespersons:K. Hafidi ),D. Gaskell, D. Dutta 22A- 19
Approved 12 GeV Hall C proposals 2 TitleDays Grade Studies of the L-T separated kaon electroproduction cross sections from 5-11 GeV (E ) Spokespersons:T. Horn G.Huber, P. Markowitz 40B+ Transverse Momentum Dependence of Semi-Inclusive Pion Production (E ) Spokespersons:R. Ent H. Mkrtchyan,P. Bosted 32A- Precision measurements of the F 2 structure function at large x in the resonance region and beyond (E ) Spokespersons:S.P. Malace I.M. Niculescu, C. Keppel 13B+ Deuteron Electro-Disintegration at Very High Missing Momenta (E ) Spokespersons: W. Boeglin M. Jones 21B+B+ Detailed studies of the nuclear dependence of F 2 in light nuclei (E ) Spokespersons: A. Daniel, J. Arrington, D. Gaskell ) 23A- Proton Recoil Polarization in the 4 He(e,e'p) 3 H, 2 H(e,e'p)n, and 1 H(e,e'p) Reactions (E) ) Spokespersons: E. Brash, R. Ransome, G. M. Huber, S. Strauch 37B+ In Medium Nucleon Structure Functions, SRC, and the EMC effect (PR ) Spokespersons:O. Hen, L.B. Weinstein S. Gilad 40B+ The Neutron Electric Form Factor at Q 2 up to 7 (GeV/c) 2 from the Reaction 2 H(e, e n) 1 H via Recoil Polarimetry (E ) Spokespersons:B. D. Anderson J. Arrington Kowalski, R. Madey, B. Plaster, A.Yu. Semenov 50B+
Approved and CA 12 GeV Hall C Experiments
Timeline for Hall C Upgrade 22 MagnetDelivery Date Q1Dec 2013 DipoleDec 2013 Q2,Q3May, Oct o Horizontal BenderDec 2013 May 2012 Q weak ended and removal (Q weak +SOS) started Early 2013 SHMS installation begins Late Detector installation 2015 SHMS commissioning Commissioning Experiments in Hall C
Early running plans – Year : ~25 PAC days – Commissioning “Experiment” 9 days of E search for color transparency A(e,e’p) only – “easy” coincidence measurement E F 2 p,d structure functions at large x Momentum scans help understand acceptance 2 days E EMC Effect Integrate light nuclei with F 2 run, Point target helps acceptance studies. 3 days of E d(e,e’p) If time available Push to lower cross sections
Early running plan – Years : E P t dependence of basic SIDIS cross sections Push particle ID capabilities of SHMS E Precise + - ratios in SIDIS – Charge Symmetry Detector efficiencies E L/T separated p(e,eK + ) factorization test Easiest L/T separation 2017: E g 2 n measurements at fixed Q 2 First polarized 3 He target experiment in Hall C E high x A 1 n ??? If high luminosity 3 He target is ready Else F or other base equipment???
Early running plan – Years : E P t dependence of basic SIDIS cross sections Push particle ID capabilities of SHMS E Precise + - ratios in SIDIS – Charge Symmetry Detector efficiencies E L/T separated p(e,eK + ) factorization test Easiest L/T separation 2017: E g 2 n measurements at fixed Q 2 First polarized 3 He target experiment in Hall C E high x A 1 n ??? If high luminosity 3 He target is ready Else F or other base equipment???
Entirely speculative run plan idea 2017: E (29) g 2 n measurements at fixed Q 2 E (52) F Make up from 2015/ : E (50) Neutron Form Factor – Large installation E (37) Proton Recoil polarization EMC, x>1 time permitting 2019: E (40) d(e,e’ backward p) EMC E (36) high x A 1 n More EMC, x>1 2020: E (40) R = σ L /σ T in Semi-Inclusive DIS Finish EMC, x>1, Color Transparency, d(e,e’p)
Backward nucleon detector – EMC effect SHMS HMS Recycled CLAS6 (Hall B) TOF detectors Possible GEMs for vertex reconstruction E d(e, eN backward ) Detect spectator proton or neutron to tag in medium structure function on off- shell nucleon.
CLAS TOF scintillators on Hall C Frames User labor and Modest JLab resources were applied to preserve Hall B detectors.
Hall C 12 GeV Era Summary Hall C will have two well shielded magnetic spectrometers able to exploit full beam energy, measure low cross sections with precision, L/T separations Approved program of structure functions, SIDIS, exclusive reactions and nuclear effects (EMC, X>1, Transparency) ~2020 Additions to base equipment: Neutron and proton polarimeters Backward nucleon detector 0 / detector a low cost natural addition to base equipment Use “could” start 2019/2020 Would help assure healthy physics program to 2030 Hall C can support modest development/design/fabrication efforts. Parasite beam testing possible.