Jump to first page Gram - rod, coccobacilli typically in pairs aerobe GENUS MORAXELLA Non-motile Catalase+, oxidase+ proteolytic unable to utilize sugars Most habitat species found on normal mucous membrane of domestic animals. M. bovis found on m.m. of carrier cattle Habitat
Jump to first page Moraxella bovis Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis Direct and indirect contact including flying insects and possibly airborne transmission. “ pink-eye ” Transmission Asymptomatic carrier animals harbour M. bovis in nasolacrimal ducts, nasophrymx and vagina
Jump to first page Factor predispose to outbreak of IBK Cattle less than 2 years of age are susceptible Flies Dust, tall grass, grass seeds, Cold temperature Concurrent infection (herpesvirus1, Thelazia spp.) Vitamin A deficiency (multifactorial disease)
Jump to first page PATHOGENESIS & PATHOGENICITY * fimbriae are virulence factor * responsible for adherence to corneal epithelial cell * hemolysin toxin correlated with virulence of fimbriae (pore-forming cytolysin of neutrophil release of enzymes on corneal surface break down of collagen matrix) * other lytic enzymes : (during bacterial replication) fibrinolysin, phosphatase, hyaluronidase aminopeptidase * lipopolysaccharides * strains lack of fimbriae or hemolysin are avirulent
Jump to first page Clinical sign blepharospasm, conjunctivitis, lacrimation keratitis, ulceration, opacity vascularization mild case - cornea healing with scarring severe case - panothalmitis and permanent blindness
Jump to first page 1. Excessive tearing, keratitis 2. Ulcer spread across the cornea Blood vessel grow across the cornea 3.Ulcer cover most of the cornea, the eye fills with fibrin 4. Iris protude, glaucoma, maybe blind 5. Healing occur (except4), scar may present
Jump to first page Pink eye Opacity of cornea
Jump to first page Immunity * fimbriae antigens stimulate protective immunity * IgA predominating locally produced during infection * temporary resistance to reinfection follows recovery
Jump to first page Isolation & Identification lacrimal secretion is the most suitable specimen FA technique for demonstration specimen (smear) and culture on blood agar - produce complete hemolysis - no growth on MacConkey agar - virulent strain autoagglutinate in saline - reaction in oxidase, catalase tests
Jump to first page β -hemolysis Moraxella bovis