Imperialism in Africa and India (A Comparison)
Bell Ringer What motive do you think is the “worst?” What is the best? Please explain your answer!
Before Imperialism Africa Fertile land and close ties with Muslim world East - Trade was major industry – slaves, copper, ivory and cloth. War/fighting in South Multiple European countries involved India Rich in fertile land, resources, and tradition. Mughal Empire- Sikh religion British East India Company (EIC) gain limited trading rights Many beliefs and languages (some Muslim influence).
Early Imperialism Africa Exploration – Congo, Nile Missionaries follow explorers build schools, work to end slavery, but also devalue native culture. Economics - Trade along coastal regions India Mughal Empire weakens, British use Indian diversity to divide people. British improve roads, education, preserve peace. Build massive railroad system inland Missionaries try to Christianize and end slavery.
Height of Imperialism Africa Many different countries (see your Africa map!) Suez Canal: Connects Mediterranean to Red Sea – quick route to Asia/India Berlin Conference: Meets w/o Africans – Splits Africa up btwn European powers France and Britain – Largest territories India “Jewel in the Crown” British East India Company: make money! Direct Rule was set up in India. English want India for natural resources and markets – especially TEA and cotton. English force goods on Indians resulting in poverty and starvation.
Resistance to Imperial Influence Africa Africans resisted European Imperialism on many fronts. Ethiopia - Leader – Menelik II Independent of colonial rule by modernizing its military and seeking western educationand African upper class emerges- educated in Europe, forge new nationalism in African nations. India Some Indians adopt English ways, others oppose. Sepoy Rebellion: religious difference and willingness to resist. Western educated Indians resist English control. (Indian National Congress)